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The Sudanese robot maker.. a genius who was pronounced by the university and contained by the pavement

In a small space in his family’s modest home in a peripheral neighborhood in the Sudanese city of Omdurman, Moatasem Jibril retired for more than seven years to conduct experiments in the technological field, until his efforts were crowned with success in manufacturing robots by recycling electronic waste, in an inspiring story of creativity.

The creativity of Moatasem (22 years old) was not the result of specialized academic studies he received in his life, but rather the result of innate intelligence and the culmination of a passion that he had harbored since his childhood towards technology and artificial intelligence, as he told Sky News Arabia.

This boy forcibly left the classrooms after he was expelled from the Sudan University of Science and Technology due to his inability to pay tuition fees due to his belonging to a low-income family, to follow the path of science fiction and self-learning, using the Internet in all his electronic experiences.

During the current week, Jibril toured the capital, Khartoum, with one of the robots he made, and he is proud of his achievement in light of limited capabilities, amid interaction from the Sudanese public with his story, which was widely circulated on social media.

Mutasim Jibril told Sky News Arabia, “The robots that he has made so far cannot be used to serve humans, as they include interactive audio programs linked to mobile phones, and they are the result of continuous efforts and research since 2015, and he seeks to develop them to benefit from them in factories, transportation, restaurants and other facilities.” areas that artificial intelligence has entered.

The robot performs some complex tasks

He added, “I relied mainly on electronic waste, which we get for a small price from the neighboring local markets, in the manufacture of robots, because the new components are very expensive and exceed my financial capabilities.

Jibril said that he was self-reliant at all levels of education due to his father’s limited income, and he was able to enroll in the Sudan University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Software Department, and reached the second level, before he was expelled due to his inability to pay tuition fees, but with an academic cover as he was denied a degree. Sitting for exams more than once was a justification for his dismissal, he said.

Moatasem found nothing but the sidewalk to display his technical creativity

on the sidewalk

Moatasem, whom his friends called him “the Professor” after he was forced to leave the classroom, did not give up. He preferred to embrace the nearby sidewalks, which contained him and he sat on them alone, contemplating and thinking about his life’s project, leaving all youth activities, including football, which is impossible to separate from his peers.

The Sudanese young man hopes that his financial situation will improve and he will return to the university to complete his academic career in the field of software, as it is necessary to build future projects on a scientific basis, but he is currently relying on his innate intelligence and talent to develop his current contributions.

He said, “After publishing my story in the media, several parties inside and outside Sudan contacted me and offered my help and support. I welcomed everyone. If they do well, my career will not stop and will continue with the same limited capabilities until I develop my votes. I am in no hurry.”

cartoon movies

Mutasim Jibril tells Sky News Arabia that he was inspired by the idea of ​​robots from cartoon films, which have been spinning in his imagination since his childhood, and he had a great passion for applying everything he saw, and his project appeared in 2015 AD, but the talking robot that he launched these days began to manufacture in 2019. And all this was done with materials extracted from electronic waste that he acquired from nearby popular markets.

He says, “Cartoon films cultivate imagination, and then science fiction that turns into a hypothesis and a theory dimension. This happened exactly to me in my experience, as I tracked its impact on all stages of robotics.”

Jibril did not stop at the station of manufacturing and developing robots, but his ambition is escalating to reach the sky, as he is currently working on manufacturing a missile that he plans to launch in the next few years to fly his dream on the folds of the clouds.

The “professor”‘s ambitions are rising despite the lack of specialized material and scientific capabilities. He is betting on willpower, determination and diligence, which he believes are sufficient to achieve success, just as what happened with him in the robotics industry. “There is nothing impossible underground, everything is possible,” he said.

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