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The story behind Portrait, the winning work of the Ledesma Prize 2021

The protagonist of the photo is Mariel Niewolski, a young woman from Jujuy who at that time was fighting breast cancer, embracing art and what she liked to do the most.

In dialogue with Jujuyal Moment, Mariel said: “There was a pink October, I was in full chemo, at that moment I felt good and eager and I was doing a show of aerial acrobatics. When the show ended, Fabián contacted me and told me about his idea of ​​making Pink Portraits with many people who had had cancer or were experiencing it ”.

The exhibition “Pink Portraits” was completed, but Mariel’s photograph was not among those exhibited. Fabián kept it and later asked his permission to be able to present it at the Ledesma Awards. The surprise came when both found out that “Portrait” had won the first prize.

“I was super shocked to find out that he won the first prize.” “Having cancer is news that one never expects to receive, but I always stayed positive, I always wanted to move on, I loved doing activities, I keep doing. And while my body allowed it, I did it, I had ups and downs but the truth is that you can ”, Mariel expressed moved.

Mariel, protagonist of the photograph by Fabián González that won the Ledesma Award

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In the photo she is showing the scar of a mastectomy, using the fabrics as a turban to cover her head, with a look that hides pain, but at the same time the desire to live, a defiant look.

“The award was very important because it is a job that I have been doing with a lot of heart, a lot of strength so that it can be seen everywhere. He talks about breast cancer, which is something that fills us with resentments every time we hear ‘cancer’, ”he said. Fabian Gonzalez , in dialogue with Jujuyalmoment.

Fabián González winner of the Ledesma award

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“Mariel is an artist, she makes fabrics, every artist has to express and I think we both found this. I believe that the portrait is made up of two parts, the one who photographs and the one photographed. In the image there are both, there is always the photographer even if he is not in the image, “he said.

It can be quickly summarized that Fabián’s photo managed to communicate the position that a woman, as young as Mariel, decided to adopt in the face of adversity: not to let herself be bent by cancer, to seek refuge in art and above all to raise awareness.

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