Home » today » Entertainment » The Starlings are number 1 in the hit list and celebrate with a party: “Everyone who voted can come”

The Starlings are number 1 in the hit list and celebrate with a party: “Everyone who voted can come”

MusicThe Starlings, or Tom Dice (33) and Kato Callebaut (31), have something to celebrate. Their hit ‘Rollercoaster’ is (finally) number 1 in the MNM50 and they can’t let that pass unnoticed. On the contrary. To honor their fans and thank them for their support, the couple will organize a big party. “We don’t have a date and place yet, but we are planning. Everyone who voted can come.” Don’t worry if fans didn’t vote because: “If you still vote this week, be sure to keep your voter receipt,” said the couple in ‘Play Café’.

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