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The Shocking Transformation of Renata Litvinova: From Ageless Beauty to Unrecognizable

Irina Petrova

56 minutes ago

Renata Litvinova Fans have always been amazed at the unfading beauty of Renata Litvinova. Until recently, the 56-year-old actress looked much younger than her own years. However, it is difficult to recognize the star in the new photo.

The blonde’s life changed dramatically a year and a half ago. Although the celebrity did not speak directly about the actions of our country in Ukraine, she left Russia soon after the start of the NWO.

Renata Muratovna settled in Paris, where she had property for a long time. She was accompanied by an old friend Zemfira, recognized as an individual foreign agent.

At the same time, close people remained in Litvinova’s homeland. In particular, an 85-year-old mother. Apparently, Alisa Mikhailovna did not want to move to Europe with her daughter.

The artist does not hide that she is going through separation from her relatives. It is possible that it was because of nerves that she began to lose weight. Fresh pictures of an extremely thin star caused many to be taken aback.

In the photo, a haggard blonde appeared in a modest black dress and with a downcast head. The frame quickly spread across the web and gathered a lot of not the most pleasant comments.

“She just dried up, especially her face”, “Hands are just like matches, thin”, “What a horror”, “Renata, it’s time to stop”, “Melting before our eyes, I barely recognized her,” Internet users said.

In Renata Litvinova’s microblog

Photo source: Instagram, Evgenia Guseva/KP

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