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The Shenzhen education system conveys and implements the spirit of the 20th National Party Congress held – China Education Online

On the morning of November 8, the Shenzhen Education System held a meeting to convey and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. The meeting conscientiously conveyed and studied the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and studied and implemented the implementation of the city’s education system. Chen Qiuming, Secretary of the Municipal Labor Committee for Education, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Education Bureau, attended the meeting and gave a speech. Yang Ping, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Labor Committee for Education, chaired the meeting and conveyed the relative spirit.

 encounter stressed

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China indicated the direction and guidance of action for the development of the Party and the country in the new era and the new path and realization of the second milestone of the centenary. We must firmly grasp the great significance of the last five years of work and the great transformation of the new era in the last ten years, and make sure that the education system of the city has always become a strong position to adhere to the leadership of the party and a firm strength for the loyal support of the “two factories”. It is necessary to firmly understand Xi Jinping’s world perspective and methodology of thinking on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and seriously implement the Party’s innovative theory in the whole process of Shenzhen education reform, innovation and development. We must firmly grasp the mission and task of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, adhere to the development path of socialist education with Chinese characteristics, and strive to create a “Shenzhen champion” of educational modernization. We must firmly grasp the important requirement of leading the great social revolution with a great self-revolution, continue to build a clean and honest party style and fight a long battle against corruption and strive to create a clean and righteous educational ecosystem. We must firmly grasp the demands of the times for unity and struggle, implement step by step the main decisions and provisions taken by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and translate them into concrete measures to promote the high-quality development of ‘education in Shenzhen, so as to transform Shenzhen into a demonstration pilot area of ​​socialism with Chinese characteristics. Provide strong talent support and intellectual support.

 Highlights of the conference

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China formulated an important strategic plan to “implement the country’s rejuvenation strategy through science and education and strengthen the support of talent in building modernization”, which is the fundamental principle. to accelerate the construction of a strong country in education. The education system of the city must fully understand the great significance, fundamental essence and practical requirements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the strategic deployment of educational work and further strengthen the sense of responsibility, mission and urgency of educating people for the party and the country.

  Highlights of the conference

Guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we must strive to open a new situation in Shenzhen education into a new era and ensure that the spirit of the 20th National Party Congress takes root and produces fruitful results in the education system. of Shenzhen. We must insist on educating people for the party and cultivating talent for the country. It is necessary to strengthen the general leadership of the party on education, use Xi Jinping’s thinking on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to lay the soul and educate people, further promote the “five educations”, fully implement the requirements of work of the “double reduction”, and strive to cultivate the all-round development of morality, intelligence, sports, beauty and socialist builders and successors of labor. There is a need to deepen education reform and innovation. Improve and refine the “four systems”, establish “four advisory committees”, vigorously promote the basic education guarantee plan and firmly promote the priority development of education. Actively serve the main national strategies. Strengthen the integration of the education chain with the industrial chain, the innovation chain and the talent chain, carry out important scientific research, deepen the integration of vocational training, actively explore new paths for the cultivation of innovative talent world-class and provide a greater impetus for urban innovation and industrial development. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of a high quality education system. Focus on achieving the “four goals” such as the balanced development of compulsory education, doing solid work in the “four key points” such as group school management, and doing a good job in the large and small educational issues that citizens care about and they do a good job in education that people are satisfied with. We must adhere to the basic thinking and build a strong line of defense. Resolutely adhere to the bottom line of ideological security, prudently do a good job of campus epidemic prevention and security management, and do everything possible to ensure the safety and stability of the education system.

  meeting request

In accordance with the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee, the city’s education system must rapidly initiate a wave of intensive study, publicity and implementation, and make every effort to promote the spirit of the 20th National Party Congress to take root in Shenzhen’s education system and bear fruitful fruits. First, we must work hard to systematically promote learning and training, clarify schedules and building designs, incorporate the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party into all levels of learning and training, and promote full coverage of the Chinese Communist Party. learning and training. Secondly, we have to work hard to organize and carry out advertising tours, carry out various in-depth advertising tours, plan to start activities such as writing essays, speeches, knowledge contests, etc. and make good use of platforms like “two micro-fins” to advertise. Third, we must work hard to integrate into education and teaching and deepen research and interpretation, organically integrate the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into the teaching of ideological and political courses and education. and teaching professional courses, and continually introduce research results that are thorough, weighty and reflect the characteristics of the times. Fourth, we must work hard to fully implement the spirit of the conference to promote development and effectively translate the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into ideas for advancing work, measures to carry out the work and standards for testing. work and strive to provide satisfactory education for people.

The meeting took the form of videoconference and telephone, with 1 main office and 48 branch offices, attended by more than 500 people. The members of the leadership team of the Municipal Working Committee for Education and the Municipal Education Bureau, the main comrades in charge of various offices and institutions directly affiliated with the Municipal Education Bureau attended the meeting at the main office of the Municipal Office for Education. The managers of the colleges and universities, the main comrades in charge of the relevant departments, the members of the management team of the administrative departments of education of each district, the main comrades in charge of each business department, the public institutions directly under the Municipality The office presidency, members of the management team of primary and secondary schools, etc. attended the meeting at the branch office.

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