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The secret meeting between Mauricio Macri and Carlos Maslatón: what they said

He Government of Mauricio Macri, which ran between 2015 and 2019, has had its flaws and virtues. The economic issue was a central axis that the founder of PRO he could not control and it even cost him the elections that Alberto Fernández ended up winning. After this, the leader of Cambiemos met with the economist Carlos Maslatón who made a refund of his management.

The liberal had a secret meeting with the former head of state and detailed: «I met with Macri. He wanted to know my opinion of his government, why I criticized him so much between 2015 and 2019. And I told him: ‘Macri, His government was neither a disaster nor excellent. It was normalwith the exception of the economic issue, which represents 80% of the success of a government,’” he began.

Following this, Carlos Maslatón told Mauricio Macri that they are “the same age and we live through the same political and economic processes. You are an important person and I am a mere citizen who read the newspaper. Why did it occur to you to repeat the economic and financial plan of the last part of the military dictatorship, with Martínez de Hoz, in the 21st century, knowing that it was going inexorably to failure, as a result of taking on debt?

This question apparently disconcerted the former president, who replied that “I had no choice that, the money that entered the country, would be taken back by the Central Bank with the lebacs, paying interest rate, because otherwise the exchange rate would appreciate a lot. Clearly, the economist rejected that idea because “one day the US currency is appreciated and the next it is despised.”

“And the IMF?” asked Maslatón, who confessed this secret meeting on C5N, where he is a panelist on a television program. “And I He said that he went to the IMF because it was the last bullet he had. That was the dialogue with him,” concluded the leader who supported La Libertad Avanza in the last elections, but has a certain inclination towards Macriism.

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