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“The second wave is also arriving in Switzerland”


As the number of infections is on the rise and tracing is reaching its limits, an infectious disease specialist speaks out on the situation in our country.

Events where social distancing rules are not followed represent a danger for an upsurge of the virus.


Mr Cerny, what is the situation in Switzerland?

The second wave is also arriving in Switzerland. There is a tendency to increase infections. A few weeks ago, we counted around twenty new positive cases per day. But now, over a week, the average number of new infected people exceeds a hundred. However, Switzerland does not yet have very high results, as in Israel for example.

Tracing measures, in particular, protect us from a rapid rise in new cases. In addition, measures such as the obligation to wear a mask on public transport or in certain stores make it possible to contain the pandemic. However, as soon as it is no longer possible to trace the chains of contagion, the situation becomes problematic. People who may be affected cannot be notified and will continue to behave normally, spreading the virus. This inevitably generates an increase in positive cases.

How long will the measures allowing tracing still be effective?

At the moment, it is working well. But there are some alarming signals. For example, the canton of Graubünden had to call on additional staff exceptionally to trace the chains of contagion. This means that the workforce for this task is starting to be overwhelmed. It is extremely long and tedious work.

On Saturday, the FOPH reported 148 new positive cases. Is this worrying?

We prefer two-digit numbers. Just two weeks ago, the virus’s reproduction rate was 1, which means every positive person infects another. This ratio must be higher today, which implies that, fundamentally, the epidemic is not under control. Nevertheless, and this is the positive point, the figures are relatively stable.

Will the number of people affected by the virus increase?

It depends on how quickly measures against the virus, such as the compulsory wearing of a mask in closed spaces, will be taken in the event of local epidemics. For the moment, the strategies to contain the spread of Covid-19 have borne fruit. The cantonal doctors did a good job.

Where are the main threats?

The movement of the Swiss could become a problem. Especially people returning from countries at risk. The fact that the quarantine requirement is not systematically controlled means that there is a certain risk that the virus will be spread by these people. Events where social distancing rules cannot be followed, such as nightclubs, also pose a danger for a resurgence of the virus. If it takes several hundred individuals regularly, it can quickly become complicated.

Mauro Poggia, State Councilor in charge of health, cantonal doctor Jacques-André Romand and Adrien Bron, director general of health, announced on Friday: masks will be mandatory in shops from Tuesday 28. A significant increase in Covid-19 cases, including 46 in the past 24 hours, decided the Council of State to put new measures in place.


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