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the Saint-Symphorien center takes a break in August

At the end of June, there was talk of closing the Saint-Symphorien vaccination center which had opened its doors on February 27, 2021. Attendance was no longer large enough.

Finally, Khalifé Khalifé, the deputy mayor of Metz in charge of health, decided to continue the operation until the end of July. “We had a rebound in vaccination requests. Probably people wishing to go on vacation. »

Falling attendance

At the end of July, attendance fell again. The decision was therefore made to “Give yourself a month’s respite”, smiles the first deputy of the city of Metz. “The doctors, the nurses, all the people mobilized for months need a vacation”, specifies Lamia Himer, territorial delegate of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Moselle. The closure of the vaccination center does not mean, for the time being, that the city services will dismantle the vaccination boxes.

“We are on standby, recalls Khalifé Khalifé. We will take stock at the end of August. “By September, we may have new recommendations,” continues Lamia Himer.

Where to get vaccinated?

In the meantime, people who wish to be vaccinated can go to their doctor, or even to the pharmacies, to the nurses. “We still have a few mobile teams to ensure vaccination in isolated places”, recalls the territorial delegate of the ARS.

The Mercy hospital vaccination center is no longer in operation, for lack of suitors, but the Thionville vaccination center is open every Monday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Each slot makes it possible to vaccinate 200 people.

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