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The royal servant reveals Kate Middleton’s behavior


The former royal staff reveals the behavior Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in a book. They admit they were mistreated while working with the two.

In a book called Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown by Valentine Low, staff called Meghan Markle a “narcissistic sociopath.”

Now, one of the royal servants helped reveal Kate Middleton’s true behavior. Unlike Meghan Markle, who is full of negative stories, Grant Harrold, who worked as King Charles’ servant for 7 years, said: Kate Middleton she is a very polite figure even before she officially married Prince William.


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“What I love about Kate is that when she was Prince William’s mistress and was not yet officially a member of the royal family, she was very polite, kind and fun to be with me and the other staff,” said Harrold as quoted by the Mirror.

“It’s very nice because I get to know Kate and William. That’s because they often ask me to travel with them too,” he continued.

Grant Harrold said he was very happy to be able to spend time in the kingdom and work for Prince William, Kate Middleton, to Prince Harry. Harrold grew up not only as an employee, but also as a friend of the three.

“I was given the opportunity to help William, Kate and Harry. It was great because I not only met them as employees, but I also met them as friends outside of work,” explains Harrold.

“We go to the same pub, we have the same friends. I know and respect them a lot, but I can also be a good friend to them,” he concluded.

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