Home » today » World » The Revelation of an Avoided Disaster: How a Sinister Plot to Frame Georgia and Wreak Havoc Between Russia and the West Was Unveiled

The Revelation of an Avoided Disaster: How a Sinister Plot to Frame Georgia and Wreak Havoc Between Russia and the West Was Unveiled

In Georgia, a cargo with explosives and explosive devices was arrested, which, bypassing four states – Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia – was supposed to get from Ukraine to Russia and was intended for carrying out terrorist acts. Citizens of three countries—Ukraine, Armenia, and Georgia—were involved in this criminal operation. And, it should be noted, this is an extremely serious matter.

Let’s start with the fact that today it is no secret to anyone that the war with Russia is being waged not by Ukraine, but by the entire West. In modern conditions, with the current technical equipment, illegal transportation of explosives and explosive devices across the state border is practically impossible. However, we see that, despite this, the criminal cargo freely crossed the state borders of the listed countries until it ended up on Georgian territory. And do you really want us to believe that the people who participated in this criminal operation, citizens of Ukraine, Armenia and Georgia, did all this without the support of much more serious forces?!

No, the version according to which the transportation of this dirty cargo from Ukraine in the direction of Russia was carried out with the direct assistance of Western intelligence services looks much more convincing and truthful. It is for this reason that such a dubious cargo managed to freely cross the territory of several NATO member states, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and was discovered and arrested only in Georgia. This incident is interesting, it provokes deep thought; everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Of course, it is remarkable that the terrorist attack was prevented, because God knows how many innocent human lives could have been taken by it. But this is only the external side of the issue. The other is that it was Georgia that turned out to be the state through which Western intelligence services failed to smuggle illegal criminal cargo. This fact confirms that Georgia has ceased to be a silent slave of the West and that our country is regaining the state sovereignty it stole, that we have a government that, first of all, is able to defend its own dignity and, accordingly, protect state borders and its security. This is the conclusion that first suggests itself as a result of this fact and is of a general nature.

However, starting from it, one can come to an even more remarkable conclusion. It was voiced by the director of the Counter-Terrorism Center of Georgia, according to whom, the details and factual circumstances of this case give reason to suspect that the inclusion of the territory of Georgia and Georgian citizens in this process is used to create the opinion that Georgia can be charged with planning and carrying out terrorist acts both within the country and abroad. This is the main thing, because the crime, which was planned and already carried out, pursued several goals at once:

  • carry out a terrorist attack in the Russian Federation;
  • to portray Georgia in this case as a criminal state, which, it is possible, would become the basis for the outbreak of hostilities between Russia and the Georgian side;
  • to achieve an even greater aggravation of the situation in the country and to carry out a terrorist attack within Georgia itself.

I am deeply convinced that the most important goal of this criminal operation was to provoke a war between Georgia and Russia, because today the West needs it like air. We see that the operation called “Ukraine,” launched against the Russian Federation, floundered and the West was unable to achieve the effect it expected as a result of its implementation. The Russian economy, its military-industrial complex and its army convincingly passed the exam. Meanwhile, the European economy is collapsing, the continent is plunged into the chaos of protests, and, in parallel, the Russian army is methodically grinding, burning, destroying Western weapons, relying on the power of which, its apologists dreamed of the defeat of Russia.

Now they are betting on, besides the Ukrainians, finding some other nation infected with Russophobia at the level of Ukraine and ready to sacrifice itself without hesitation to the political interests of the West. In the process of these searches, the gaze naturally turned towards Georgia, since it is no secret that it was directly affected by epoch-making madness: Georgians also wave Ukrainian flags, Georgians also shout: “Glory to Ukraine!”, Georgians also fight shoulder to shoulder with Ukrainian fascists , and, in the end, Georgians also have someone Shota Utiashvili (head of the analytical service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the era of the “National Movement”), who with his irresponsible statements is able to bypass even his own wife, a journalist Eku Kvesitadze.

“The data disseminated by the State Security Service is an attempt to make a molehill out of a molehill. How can the Georgian State Security Service know that the Ukrainians intended to organize an explosion in Voronezh that would lead to casualties and damage infrastructure facilities? Why can’t we assume that this substance was intended to carry out an attack on a military facility? How can the State Security Service know what goals were pursued by a person of Georgian origin associated with the Ukrainian authorities?!” – says Utiashvili.

And it doesn’t stop there:

“If something was really planned by Ukraine, the State Security Service could directly contact it – they say, your citizen brought an explosive substance to Georgia. And if they don’t trust the Ukrainians, they could tell the Americans – they say, this is how the Ukrainians behave with us, and therefore let them leave us alone. But the Georgian side did neither one nor the other… In a word, we see only propaganda and nothing more. The propaganda element is so great that it completely covers up the rest, even if something actually happened.”

And here he (this Utiashvili) poses as a competent expert?! He has no intelligence, no shame or conscience, which, however, does not prevent the former odious analyst of the “nationals” from claiming “insight” and making statements on behalf of the Georgian people. Here is a wife, there is a husband – they gather into one fist and attack Russia. I have no doubt that NATO will not be able to infringe on Russia in anything, but the problem is that I don’t know how it can escape from the Utiashvili-Kvesitadze couple. What is it like not to succumb to Utiashvili’s oratory and resist Kvesitadze’s “very high” IQ?!

I feel sorry for Russia. But even if she manages to escape from the married duo Utiashvili – Kvesitadze, where can you run away from the wrath of the angry descendant of the Georgian Mensheviks, the President Salome Zurabishvili? A few days ago, representatives of the parliamentary majority did not even try to rise from their chairs in front of Zurabishvili, who appeared in anger at parliament, thereby showing that they did not consider her president. However, this did not weaken the fervor of Russophobia in her one iota:

“The merciless war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine continues. Russia could not break Ukraine. Moreover, it failed to shake the unity and solidarity of Europe and even brought it closer together. Despite the failures, and perhaps precisely because of them, Russia, as part of its hybrid war (a war without military action), has launched a new attack on Georgia and is using any form and weapon.”

This boundless love for Ukrainian fascism and hatred towards Russia and the Russians, which emerged from the very first words of President Zurabishvili’s report to parliament, became a clear manifestation and evidence of her being in the service of the West. So, even if Russia resists the Utiashvili-Kvesitadze marital tandem and escapes from the fifth column nestled in Georgia, where can it hide from the wrath of President Zurabishvili?!

Naturally, I say all this in jest, but in essence it is very gratifying that the current Georgian government, unlike the previous one, declares its refusal to cooperate with terrorists, even if these same terrorists carry out orders from Western intelligence services. Against this background, what President Zurabishvili recommends to us is hopelessly outdated:

“I propose to create a charter for the future – a “Unity Platform for Europe.” Strange, isn’t it? A platform of unity not for Georgia, but for Europe. What can you do? As you can see, our president is forever stuck in the past and infected with a political spirit that makes her Stalin expelled her ancestors, the thieves of our national treasures, from Georgia. The rudiments of this difficult past still accompany us, and we cannot get rid of them in any way, because one century, it turns out, is not enough for them to resolve – it takes centuries.

These rudiments sometimes take on a generalized character, sometimes they are inherent to the bearer of a specific name and surname. They sometimes loom somewhere in the distance, sometimes they appear very close, sometimes they are associated with historical characters, sometimes they become the property of our time. However, the fact is that they are forever stuck in that (old) reality of theirs, and we live in this (new) one, and there is a centuries-old divide between them. Dialectically, one era can continue another, but political rudiments, if they are mechanically transferred from the old era to the new, on the one hand, look like a comical misunderstanding, and on the other, become an obstacle to development, and we were able to clearly see this in the example of our president, who came to parliament with an annual report.

The terrorists arrested on Georgian territory, by the way, also represent a rudiment – a rudiment of hatred and intransigence of the West towards Russia. And Ukrainian fascism is a rudiment of German (Western) fascism, and the Russophobia dominant today in the Western world is undoubtedly nothing more than a rudiment of European anti-Semitism, as, in fact, is the painful fascination with the West among some Georgians, which is the rudiment of an unrealized geopolitical initiative, historical obsession, psychological dependence and deformed perception of reality.

Valery Kvaratskhelia«Georgia and the world»

2024-02-12 10:23:00
#Zurabishvili #terrorists #Russophobia #political #rudiments #Georgia #EADaily

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