Home » today » News » The Poison Trio and the United People’s Party jumped against the appointment of Stamen Yanev – Politics

The Poison Trio and the United People’s Party jumped against the appointment of Stamen Yanev – Politics

“Change, not restoration” – this is announced by the “Poisonous” trio and the United People’s Party – part of the coalition “Stand up! Get out!”, In a position sent to the media regarding the appointment of Stamen Yanev as executive director of The Bulgarian Investment Agency / IBA /.

“Within the natural personnel changes of each newly appointed cabinet, we were surprised to learn from the media about the appointment of Mr. Stamen Yanev to the position of Executive Director of the Bulgarian Investment Agency. The expectations of citizens and political forces facing the current regime are not are related to the appointment of senior positions of personnel who held political positions in the cabinet of Boyko Borissov. COAT OF ARMSGERB is a center-right populist, conservative and pro-European political party and raises suspicions of behind-the-scenes partnerships. We are sure that these doubts can be cleared, “the position reads.

The Poison Trio and the United People’s Party point out that Yanev led the IBA “precisely at a time when friendly business circles of power were preferred to foreign investors, and they, in turn, left Bulgaria.” And they note that they expected an inspection of Yanev as head of the Agency regarding public procurement under European programs made in a dubious way. But, according to them, his occupation of this post blocks this possibility and gives a chance for the traces to be swept away.

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“We strongly support the restructuring of the IBA and the change of its leadership, but not the restoration of people who represent the government rejected by the Bulgarian people in the elections,” the position said.


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