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The Planet with the Longest Day Duration in the Solar System

KOMPAS.com – The sun rises every morning on Earth and marks the so-called turn of the day.

Change of day also occurs on other planets. However, days on other planets may be shorter or longer than Earth’s.

In the solar system, there are planets whose one day reaches hundreds of Earth days.

Which planet has the longest one-day duration in the solar system?

Researcher from the BRIN Space Research Center, Andi Pangerang, revealed that planet with longest day duration in the solar system is Venus.

“That’s right (Venus), both sideris and sinodis,” Andi said on Kompas.com, Sunday (29/5/2022).

He explained Venus has a period wheeled star and synodic. Synodis is taken from Latin “syn-node”, meaning the same node. This refers to a configuration that is aligned between the local meridian/longitude and the sun.

While sideris is taken from the Greek “stars” which means star, this refers to a “fixed” star (in this case Aries/Hamal).

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Rotasi synodis Venus has 116 days. While the sidereal rotation of Venus is 243 days. This rotation period is the longest in the solar system.

When compared to Earth, its synodic rotation is only 24 hours. While the sidereal rotation is 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds.

Reported Reuters, May 3, 2021, according to a study, one Venus rotation takes 243.0226 Earth days.

The researchers studied Venus by transmitting radio waves to Venus 21 times from 2006 to 2020 from NASA’s Goldstone Antenna in California’s Mojave Desert and studying radio echoes.

“Each individual measurement is obtained by treating Venus as a giant disco ball. We illuminate Venus with a giant flashlight, radar at Goldstone, and observe the reflections as they sweep across the Earth’s surface,” said UCLA professor of planetary astronomy Jean-Luc Margot, who led the study published in journal Nature Astronomy.

According to Margot, Venus is an excellent laboratory for understanding planet formation and evolution. He added that there could be billions of Venus-like planets in the galaxy.

Read also: Why on Venus and Uranus the Sun Rises from the West?

The study also revealed that the planet’s core is about 4,360 miles (7,000 km) in diameter, comparable to Earth’s core.

Margot said the planet’s core is almost certainly made of iron and nickel, although it’s not clear whether it’s solid or liquid.

Venus rotates on its axis in an almost upright position. This means that Venus has no discernible seasons. The tilt of Venus according to this study is about 2.64 degrees.

Reported by page NASA, Venus has the characteristic of rotating in the opposite direction to Earth and most of the other planets. In addition, the rotation is also very slow.

The revolution of Venus or one year of Venus is only a few days from the rotation of Venus.

One Venus day is about 243 days, while a year is 225 days. That means that a day on Venus is slightly longer than a year on Venus.

Because the length of the day and year are similar, a day on Venus is not like a day on Earth. Here, the sun rises and sets once every day.

But on Venus, the Sun rises every 117 Earth days. That means the Sun rises twice every year on Venus, even though it’s still on the same day.

In addition, because Venus rotates backwards (in the opposite direction to other planets), the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

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