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The Physiological Sigh: A Neurologist’s One-Second Trick to Instantly Calm You Down

Among the many dangers of life in modern times, one of the defining aspects of being someone who walks this earth means learning how to deal with stressful situations.

Being around other people can be stressful, whether it’s at work, in intimate relationships, or in completing menial tasks, like grocery shopping or paying bills. We always seem to be looking for ways to reduce our stress levels, whether through diet, exercise, or various attempts at rest and relaxation.

A neurologist shares a one-second trick called the Physiological Sigh that can calm you down instantly.

Andrew Huberman is a neurologist and researcher at Stanford University. A recent TikTok fan account shared by Andrew Huberman shows neuroscientists an explanation of accessible techniques to calm down quickly.

not TikTokHuberman states that “Physiological breath is the quickest and most enduring way for us to quickly and in real time release this stress response in our bodies.”

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He explains, “A physiological sigh is something we do spontaneously. But when you’re feeling nervous, you can take a double inhale and a long exhale. When we do a double breath, even if the second breath slips in a very small amount of air. , because it is a bit difficult to return two deep breaths.” to the back. He took a deep breath, then another kid sneaked up on him.”

Hubermann explains why inhaling two successive breaths, then exhaling, creates an instant feeling of calm.

He describes how the lungs are actually formed, saying, “Your lungs are not just two big sacs, but you have millions of tiny alveoli scattered throughout the lungs that make the surface area of ​​your lungs the size of a tennis court. It tends to collapse when we are stressed.”

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And he repeated how important it is for us to breathe, to release the tension we instinctively feel in our bodies, just for being alive.

“When you do a double inhalation, and you exhale, the double inhalation re-expands the small alveoli in the lungs,” he explains. “And then, when you take a deep breath, that long breath is much more effective at ridding the body and bloodstream of carbon dioxide, which relaxes you quickly.”

As one comment claims, “This is a remedy for a damaged nervous system. This is a game changer.”

Another person asked in the comments asked “Is this why we automatically do this when we cry? Is this why I feel so calm after crying?”

One parent noted that he’s already instilling this stress-relieving technique in his kids, saying, “I call it ‘bunny breath’ with my kids.”

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Our world is filled with different ways to relieve stress, some more accessible than others.

However, as Huberman emphasizes with this particular technique, the best way to stay calm is to be present with our bodies and remember to breathe. There are definitely days when letting go of all our stress seems impossible, but by practicing the Huberman Double Inhale-Exhale Technique, we can put ourselves on the ground and give our bodies a little rest.

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Alexandra Blogier is a writer on the news and entertainment team at YourTango. They cover mental health, pop culture analysis, and everything related to the entertainment industry.

2023-08-11 02:00:44
#neurologist #explains #physiological #sigh #calm #instantly

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