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“The phenomenon on the border of Alaska, Canada and Russia”? If that were the case, the result would be catastrophic

Internet users are delighted with the short film that is supposed to show the unusual phenomenon that took place between the United States and Canada. The video shows how the Moon of enormous size emerges from behind the horizon, moves over land and lake, covers the sun for a moment completely, and then disappears below the horizon. Not only is the moon big, it also seems to be very close.

Watch the miracle“; “Something fabulous”; “The phenomenon at the border Alaska, Canada and Russia, it lasts 36 seconds, once a year, the moon is so close to the Earth it seems to collide with it, then a total solar eclipse “- these are some popular comments on the Polish Internet (original spelling) that we found They came out on the weekend of July 30 and 31, and the video was back then very popular. It gathered hundreds of comments. The video has over 250,000. views.

However, attentive internet users and journalists commented on Twitter that the video is a computer animation. “How are we supposed to fight Russian disinformation when the CGI with the big moon, signed as a video of a rare phenomenon from beyond the Arctic Circle, is a sensation on our Internet?” – Jakub Wiech asked, vice-general of the Energetyka24.com website. “Hundreds of people pass on this” video “as real. We are lost – assessed by Marcin Makowski from Interia. “4.5 thousand likes. I choose to believe that these are ironic likes. Otherwise, I would have to face the questions ‘where are we going’ and ‘should everyone vote’ – commented Dominika Długosz from “Newsweek Polska”.


Discovery of rust on the moon (archival material) Video: tvn24

Blood Moon and Super Moon

In May 2021 it happened a rare astronomical phenomenon. In various parts of the world, for the first time in more than two years, a total lunar eclipse was observed – then it became reddish because its disc was in the zone of the total shadow of the earth. Such a phenomenon is called the Blood Moon. Additionally, it so happened that then the moon was closest to the earth. It seemed larger and brighter than usual. Such a phenomenon, in turn, is called a super moon.

Computer animation of a Ukrainian artist

Just as the phenomenon was anticipated, and then during its lifetime, the now popular video – with a giant moon moving across the sky – became a viral with tens of millions of views. Internet users were convinced that the recording was real and showed the described phenomenon.

The authenticity of the film was then checked by internet editorial offices, incl. fact-checking portal Snopes, Reuters if Newsweek. They stated that the video first appeared on May 17, 2021 on TikTok on the @aleksey_nz profile. After a few days, it already had tens of millions of views. In addition, it was posted on pageon which artists who create computer-generated imagery (CGI) post their work and can be purchased by paying with cryptocurrencies. In the video with the Moon, there is information that the author is Aleksey Patrev. They were entitled “Supermoon” – “Super Moon” – and according to the description it is supposed to represent the phenomenon seen between Russia and Canada.

Patrev on the web it introduces itself as a CGI artist living in Odessa, Ukraine. He publishes his works regularly on social media: na My TikTok (millions of views), Instagram i YouTube (420 thousand subscribers, millions of views). There you can see films made by him, among others with aliens attacking America from space; with a huge enlargement of the sole of the astronaut’s shoe on the moon; with a ship falling from the sky and destroying Moscow’s Red Square.

Video with the Moon has been published also on the Patreva YouTube channel on June 2, 2021. Currently, however, he is no longer on the artist’s TikTok or on his Instagram. We asked Petrev through his profile whether he actually created a viral with the Moon, but we got no answer.

The editorial offices that analyzed this recording informed that it would be impossible to register the phenomenon visible on it. The movement of the moon does not seem natural; there is no reflection of it in the lake below it, and according to NASA, it can approach the Earth up to over 363 thousand. kilometers, so it would have to be much smaller on the film. And so, for example, according to the portal Livescience.com, a science news service, if the Moon were to approach Earth as seen in this video, the result would be catastrophic: gravity would increase, which could destroy islands and low-lying coastal areas. A sudden increase in gravity would also trigger earthquakes and increased volcanic eruptions.

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