Home » today » News » The parties of “THE LEFT!” signed an agreement guaranteeing the future of the formation

The parties of “THE LEFT!” signed an agreement guaranteeing the future of the formation

/Pogled.info/ The parties of the coalition “LEVITSATA!” today signed an agreement guaranteeing the future of the formation, the efficiency in work and the possibility of attracting political and non-governmental formations to support leftist policies. The main goal is the solid preparation and maximally broad representation, by including bright public figures for the upcoming elections for local self-government bodies. The coalition appears in the same composition in the local elections.

In the beginning of “THE LEFT!” was staged at the end of last year with a series of discussions about the authentic left. On February 12, the coalition officially announced its participation in the parliamentary elections in April 2023. In the left format, PP ABV, “Stand Up Bulgaria”, “Movement 21”, “Alexander Stamboliyski” Agricultural Union, as well as iconic names, such as Valery Zhablyanov, Kostadin Paskalev and Dr. Tsveteslava Galabova, are included. To “THE LEFT!” The “Left View” Movement, in the person of the journalist Dr. Rumen Petkov, also joined.

At today’s meeting, the coalition “THE LEFT!” decided to start a subscription to preserve the national holiday the day of the restoration of Bulgarian statehood, the day of Liberation – March 3.

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