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The old pandits in Kazichene are furious with boss Andre Tokev, that’s why

Top chef Andre Tokev will not cook in prison. This fact disappointed many of the Pandits, who became his fans after his crackdown on drunk driving on the rims of the Sofia Ring Road, Telegraf reports.

Tokev is currently in quarantine at the hospital at Sofia Central Prison due to the covid pandemic. In 10 days he will be brought in for adaptation, like all prisoners who break the iron doors of the dungeon.

He has been assigned a place in the dormitory in Kazichene, where Tokev will actually be staying. He will go out during the day to work on an outdoor site, and in the evening he will return for an evening inspection and will only spend the night in a dungeon. Prisoners with light sentences are accommodated in the so-called prison dormitories. Most of them work, as 2 days of work in prison counts for 3 inmates and thus reduces their sentences.

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Over 80% of the prisoners in Kazichene work on external sites. The dormitory itself is staffed for beekeeping and fishing. Tokev has a degree in cooking and it will be difficult for him to find a job within the dormitory itself, so he will take the opportunity to work on an outdoor site, people familiar with the matter said. Whether it will be in a diner or in a restaurant, this will be further decided.

In the same dormitory among the elite prisoners some time ago lay the former head of the heating system Valentin Dimitrov-Toploto, who was a steamer. Earlier in this dungeon was Ivo Nedyalkov-Pharaoh, who worked as a chatterbox in a building next to the prison building. As for Tokev, the chefs in Kazichene hope that he will still help them with some tips for recipes in the prison kitchen.

Tokev was imprisoned for a total of 10 months for drunk driving. He has already been under house arrest for more than 2 months and he has 8 left.

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