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the old man’s bike playing Pokémon GO reaches over 60 mobiles

In Neox Games We already told you about Chen San-Yuan, an old man from Taiwan who, at 70, declares himself an unconditional fan of Pokémon GO. Chen has become famous worldwide not only for his age, which other alumni have also demonstrated with the mobile video game, but also for the large number of mobiles he uses at the same time to capture Pokémon.

What started with only a dozen smartphones has gradually become almost a creature in itself. Chen San-Yuan’s bike reached this week a huge 64 mobiles. The vehicle in question soon went viral again, which happened when it overtook the 40 smartphone connected a long time ago.

Beyond visibility you can have once you start pedalingThere is no doubt that the good guy Chen has a certain advantage when it comes to catching and raising Pokémon. Mobile batteries won’t be a problem either, as this old man also carries the corresponding chargers. Of course, how comfortable can it be to cycle with such a range of devices in a city where traffic is in real chaos?

Pokémon GO celebrates its birthday. The famous video game Niantic celebrates its four years this summer, with important events and gifts for all its players, although the situation in the world due to the COVID-19[feminine[feminine not the most suitable. During the month of July, we can join forces with other players in special events and raids to capture Pokémon as spectacular as Ho-Oh.

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