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The NFL and Reddit unveil new content plan, and it’s a great marketing move

  • The NFL will start on September 9 with its 2021/2022 season and Reddit already has a great marketing move underway
  • According to Reddit, their NFL communities average around 303 million visits per month.
  • This partnership represents a very real opportunity for advertisers looking to align their brand with the prestigious NFL crest.

In less than a month, the new season of the NFL will start, the most watched sport in the United States, and Reddit already has a great marketing move underway.

The 2021/2022 campaign of the National Football League meets again with the same partner from a year ago, Covid-19, but it does so in a different context, not as dominant as that of 2020, but with an important concern on the part from the health authorities.

Given this, brands are already beginning to work on their commercial strategies in order to reach their audiences, but they do so taking into account that, due to Covid, the situation for consumers has changed. Naturally.

According to a survey conducted on August 6 and published on AdAge, of a total of 1,667 American adults, 61% of NFL fans think that marketers should not feature group activities in their commercials.

This fact alone represents designing extremely different strategies, because, in some way, the spirit of sport in the stands is to show the unity of the fans, no matter what their favorite team is. However, with the arrival of the coronavirus, that sharing environment among fans is not the same at a time when infections are increasing more and more in the United States.

Now, we are also living an ideal scenario for digital platforms to enter the game of marketing in sports. A clear example is the use of TikTok in the recent Tokyo Olympics. But in the case of the NFL, it is Reddit that could come out as the winner.

Reddit and the NFL expanded their partnership in content generation, an alliance that began in September 2019 and that in 2021, with the rise of social networks and digital platforms, could be of great benefit to Reddit.

As part of the great luxuries that this association has brought for fans are access to exclusive content, as well as a question section called “Ask Me Anything”, as well as the generation of content outside the field and many attractive things.

According to Reddit, its NFL communities average around 303 million visits per month, a perfect setting for brands to join the sponsorship bar dedicated to the NFL specifically on Reddit.

For the platform, the start of the football season represents a large market, as, according to AdWeek, 71 percent of NFL fans on its platform join the conversation, creating different chat channels.

On the other hand, 69 percent of them look for content such as the most outstanding plays of the game and 75 percent look for information on match schedules, teams, statistics, etc.

In a statement collected by AdWeek, Harold Klaje, Reddit’s global executive vice president and president of advertising, said the following regarding this alliance:

“I am excited to see this valuable relationship evolve and continue to grow stronger. Not only is this partnership a fantastic way to continue rewarding loyal NFL fans on the platform, it represents a very real opportunity for advertisers looking to align their brand with the prestigious NFL crest. “

Sure, it’s a great opportunity for advertisers, as the NFL is by far the most attractive sport for advertising. Last season alone, it is estimated that brands spent around $ 5.4 billion on their advertising spend. Let us remember that, in those times, the peak of the pandemic was in the skies.

Now, with a lighter context, it seems like a better scenario for brands in order to reach more consumers.

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