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The ‘new normal’ in València: goals in telework, staggered entries and limited capacity

VALENCIA. The de-escalation is already here. Also in the Valencia City Council, where they prepare the progressive reincorporation of their personnel for the coming weeks. This Thursday the councilor for Personal, Luisa Notari0, closed an extensive document with the unions that will be approved this Friday at the Local Government Board. A municipal de-escalation plan that includes contagion preventive measures such as capacity limitation, the staggered entrances to the jobs and the telework continuity in many cases and even the application of goals and objectives officials who continue to work from home.

The detailed document, in which even the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, It has been worked from the departments of Personnel, Central Technical Services and Occupational Health, and speaks of both organizational, logistical and hygienic-sanitary measures.

Thus, the plan ensures that teleworking will be prioritized until reaching what is called the “new normal”, but there will be cases in which teleworking days can be made compatible with other face-to-face sessions by means of shift systems and with weekly rotational character to avoid risks of contagion between different groups. You can even apply the working day or the so-called compressed week: reduce the five working days to fewer days but extend the daily schedule.

Preferably, they should continue working from home vulnerable and employed groups with dependents or children, and employees in situations of i may not join the work in any formtemporary disabilitythose who have had symptoms related to coronavirus or those who have had contact with affected people due to illness.

“Since the decree of the State of Alarm almost eight weeks ago, the City of Valencia has given a swift and effective response,” said the mayor Notary, who has defined the plan to return to face-to-face activity as a “road map that will allow us to move forward towards normality with preventive measures and avoiding risks of coronavirus transmission. “The unions, for their part, stated that the text is” alive “and that” it will be altered depending on the evolution of the pandemic and union proposals. A Monitoring Commission will be created, with the presence of the unions, which will meet every fifteen days to make all the modifications and adjustments deemed necessary.

Progressive lap and three stages of adaptation

The return will be made progressively and by services. Starting next May 11Other services from libraries or museums will be incorporated into the services that were functioning as essential, limiting the capacity of the facilities to one third, and others belonging to citizen attention offices and services such as sanctioning procedure, urban planning, housing, activities, public space, Inspection, Finance, Cemeteries or Personnel. The May 26 The staff of Education, Social Welfare, theaters and Youth may do the same, also limiting the capacity of the spaces to one third. All other services will return to work the day June 10th.

On the way back, the ‘new normal’ will consist of three stages within the consistory: from the reincorporation until the month of September, from this moment until the end of the pandemic is declared, and thereafter. Thus, during summer, people with cardiovascular, lung, cancer, diabetes or immunodeficiency diseases, as well as those over 60 years old and pregnant will be exempt from providing a face-to-face service. And you can only deal a third of physical positions for each municipal agency.

Starting in September, those over 60 will join and occupancy can already be increased until 50% of each dependency. And when the central government declares the coronavirus pandemic extinct or when the risks are “minimal” due to the existence of a vaccine, all staff must resume the face-to-face activity, although it is true that a negotiation can be opened with the unions to see which positions can continue with teleworking.

Time flexibility and objectives for teleworking

However, for those who return to work in the coming weeks, the session plans to adopt “all flexibility in terms of hours and hours depending on the needs of the services. “The hours of entry are extended to seven in the morning, and the exit to five in the afternoon. The entry to work will be done” in a staggered manner “to avoid crowds in public transport and in centers, and entry and exit circulation spaces will be enabled to avoid “accidental contacts”, as well as access control mechanisms.

For those who continue to work in their homes, “the Goal setting results-oriented for such personnel. “That is, a system of goals will be applied that” will later be susceptible to evaluation “to see the degree of compliance of each worker.

To be continued prioritizing attention to the public by telephone or telematic; It can be done in person too, but always by appointment and with a limited capacity in the facilities. The same as for meetings, which must be held preferably by video conference. All work trips that can be solved by call or videoconference will be suspended, and the courses and training activities will also be done via telematics. Oppositions will resume when the alarm state ends.

Redistribution of posts, dividers and itineraries

To ensure compliance with social distancing measures, the consistory already prepares different performances in the municipal facilities. For example, measures of redistribution and the arrangement of workspaces are studied, which must first be done on a plane. In addition, when the different workstations have already been located, the routes will be signposted, indicating at which points there may be a crossroads or a double direction, to facilitate compliance.

Something similar will be done in the public service spaces, where disabled seats will also be graphed and seating will be limited. In the elevators, on the other hand, only one person may access, except for those in which they require assistance.

There will also be spacers. They will be implemented in the citizen service areas through adapted methacrylate screens, especially on counters and in a specific way for each table. A measure that plans to be adopted between those jobs with distances less than two meters. Separation panels, partitions from the floor or on the table will be the protagonists here.

Hygiene and disinfection

In another order of things, the City Council will carry out a daily cleaning of all workplaces, but it can be reinforced in the event that shifts are made. Knobs, doors, railings, chairs, tables. Everything will be the object of disinfection with bleach. A cleaning effort will also be made on Sundays and holidays, and rooms will be ventilated naturally during cleaning processes.


They’ll be installed hydroalcoholic gel dispensers in service areas and counters, as well as in accesses and common areas. A material that will be compulsory use for citizens. All measures that must be reflected in visible information panels.

Control of external companies and closure of cafeterias

The document states that “eliminate or minimize the presence of personnel from outside the municipal organization “. The municipal centers will make a specific procedure to deal with the access of external suppliers to reduce contacts, as well as loading and unloading areas for merchandise. It will also be avoided, as far as possible, that the carriers abandon their vehicle, and in any case the entrance to the centers will be avoided if they present “evident symptoms of the disease”.

Other measures to implement are the closure of rest areas and cafeterias, the use in turn of changing rooms, the temporary closure of showers and vending machines, as well as the use of water coolers.

Individual Protection Equipment

Likewise, individual protection measures, including individual protection equipment, must be “adequate and proportional” to the risk of each activity. In this way, the consistory fixes that a surgical mask daily to everyone who performs their work in person; two weekly FFP masks or one face shield personnel who cannot maintain safety distances or do not have partitions; in addition to disposable gloves for those who do “tasks that involve risk” and suits of disposable diver staff who may be in contact with people suspected of having coronaviruses or confirmed cases.

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