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The natural syrup an ancient cold remedy that would keep heart and bones healthy

Many precious products that we often enjoy in the kitchen come from the Chinese and Indian tradition. In fact, we consume herbs, spices and roots that are typical of those areas and which have a history that can go back thousands of years. Centuries ago there were no drugs that we find now, so the only folk remedies were entrusted to the fruits of Nature. Among the most famous, probably come to us with Alexander the Great, there is ginger. In the Koran it is called as “plant blessed by God”, in Italy and Greece they used it to promote digestion and for stomach pains.

This root is very common today, even used for the preparation of cocktails and drinks. It is appreciated for creating savory and sweet recipes, because its flavor is very particular, spicy but fresh, with citrus notes. The funny biscuits, gingerbread, which are eaten during some holidays are famous.

The natural syrup an ancient cold remedy that would keep heart and bones healthy

This root also became important because used as a preservative, it prevented food from molding immediately. Probably this effect was due to the antimicrobial properties which inhibited the formation of mold and bacteria. Tradition, in fact, attributes to this oriental rhizome a series of benefits, useful for the organism.

It is often mentioned when you are in the presence of a flu, or sore throat, because it is thought to counteract some symptoms. Therefore considered, by popular belief, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, it would counteract headaches and diarrhea.

In addition, it contains many substances and nutrients of great value, as well as being a source of essential oils. The fresh root is rich in vitamins C and E, in mineral salts such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iron, which is why it has an antioxidant action. It would promote metabolism and the formation of red blood cells, in addition, thanks to the mineral salts, it would promote heart and bone health.

Where to buy it and preparation

We can buy ginger all year round, the fresh root is now easily available in almost all grocery stores in the fruit and vegetable bug. The costs can vary from around 5 to 8 euros per kilo, while the price is lower in the powder version. In addition to serving to enrich dishes, it can be transformed into a drink that is an ally of health.

Making the natural ancient cold remedy syrup that would keep your heart and bones healthy is simple.

For the realization it is always better to buy the fresh and quality product. Cut about 200 grams of peeled ginger into pieces and pour it into a saucepan with 450 ml of water and bring to a boil. Then lower the heat and leave it on the fire for at least 20 minutes, cover and let it rest for 7-8 hours. All that remains is to heat, add 180 grams of sugar, half a lemon squeezed and filter everything with a colander, before putting it in the containers. We can use the ginger scraps for jams or to make our recipes.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only. We do not know the eating habits and possible intolerances of our readers and for this reason it is recommended to consult your doctor about foods that could cause damage to your health. In any case it is strongly it is recommended to read the warnings given WHO”)–

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