Home » today » Entertainment » The Municipality delivered the books of the “PEAM” to the provincial direct of Older Adults

The Municipality delivered the books of the “PEAM” to the provincial direct of Older Adults

After the visit of the provincial director of Older Adults, Lic. Lucia Billoud; the Mayor Fernando Almada and the Director of Culture, Jorge Meynet; They gave him the collection of books “Warehouse of Memories and its Bridges” of the PEAM and explained the different activities that are carried out in the Municipal Day Center.

Also, a meeting was held with the president of the Center for Retirees and Pensioners, Susana Lezcano, and members of the commission to learn about the needs and urgencies of said institution.

Among the topics discussed, emphasis was placed on the building’s infrastructure arrangements and other issues related to the difficult time they are going through as a result of the pandemic. In this sense, the official announced some interesting news for this year, corresponding to this sector.

On the other hand, the director visited with Meynet different places that involve older adults, such as the Monument of Letters recently intervened by the PEAM, the building where its activities take place and the Hogar Santa Ana.

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