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The Mufti in response to the skeptics: Sayyid al-Badawi is one of God’s righteous friends

A state of controversy witnessed by numerous pages interested in Sufism and religious affairs, on the status of Sayyid al-Badawi, between those who list his virtues and his position and others who are skeptical, so much so that Dr. Shawky Allam, the Mufti of Repubblica, resolved the controversy over Sayyid al-Badawi’s position in a previous fatwa that Dar al-Ifta republished again.

The Mufti pointed out that Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi, may God be pleased with him, is an experienced imam, reciter, jurist, one of the nation’s leading scholars, and is one of the saints for whom God has decreed acceptance on earth. for the public and the private sector. He was revered by scholars and princes, rich and poor, revered by rulers and ruled, believed in guardianship in life and after death, and entered Egypt and was fully accepted by scholars, rulers, individuals and the common people.

So King al-Zahir Baybars al-Bandaqari received him, honored him and had him lodged in the royal guesthouse, and was traveling to visit him in Tanta. Imam al-Sha’arani said in al-Tabaqat al-Wustabat: [ولمّا دخل سيدي أحمد إلى مصر خرج الملك الظاهر بيبرس أبو الفتوحات هو وعسكرُه فتلقوا سيدي أحمد، وأكرموه غاية الإكرام، وأنزله في دار الضيافة، وكان ينزل لزيارته لما أقام بناحية طندَتا، وكان يعتقده اعتقادًا عظيمًا] .

The scholar and historian Ali Pasha Mubarak states in “Al-Khitaat Al-Tawfiqiyyah”: [وكان في حياته معظَّمًا مُعتقَدًا عند الناس محبوبًا فيهم، مشهورًا في الآفاق، تعلوه هيبة ووقار، وكان الملك الظاهر أبو الفتوحات بيبرس البندقداري يعتقده ويبالغ في تعظيمه] .

Sultan al-Ashraf Abu al-Nasr Seif al-Din Qaitbay al-Mahmoudi was visiting the tomb of Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi, may God be pleased with him; As in “Nielding Hope in the Tail of Nations”.

Al-Sayyid Al-Badawi’s successors, may God have mercy on them, have been revered by the rulers. Al-Allamah Al-Ghazi said in Sheikh Badr Al-Din Al-Sa’idi’s translation of Al-Kawakib Al-Sa’irah in Sheikh Badr Al-Din Al-Sa’idi’s translation: [وكان مقبول الشفاعة في الدولتين، مسموع الكلمة عند ملك الأمراء فمَن دونه، وكان إذا دخل على نائب مصر انتصب له قائمًا، وانفرد به وقضى حوائجه، وقبل شفاعته، واعتبر كلامه، وأظهر ذلك بين خواصه وجماعته، وجعله أبًا له، وكان يقطع خصومات، وينفذ أمورًا لا يقدر عليها غيره، وكان يستخلص من القتل، وكان عليه السكينة والمهابة] .

What God has established for his tutor, Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi, that God be pleased with him, has been accepted by both the private and the public: scholars have named their scholars’ children by his name and title together “Sayyid al-Badawi” in honor and blessing; Until he grew up among the people: like the sheikh, the scholar Muhammad bin Abi Ahmad Al-Umayyad Al-Majlis Al-Shanqeeti, and his son is the genealogical scholar Ahmad Al-Badawi Al-Shanqeeti Al-Majlisi, l ‘author of the “Pillar of Genesis” systems; Where he called him and the title of him “Ahmed Al-Badawi” after the name and title of Al-Sayyid Al-Badawi, may God be pleased with him, as mentioned by the author of “Riyad Al-Sira wa Al-Adab , in completing the explanation of the lineage column.

Like the great hadith scholar and scholar, Sayyid Muhammad Abu Al-Nasr Al-Khatib Al-Shafi’i; where he called his son “Sayyed Ahmad Al-Badawi, sheikh of the Arabs”, and his son became judge of Maarat al-Nu’man; The scholar Abd al-Sattar al-Dahlawy al-Siddiqi also mentioned in “Fayd al-Malik al-Wahhab al-Mu’ta’li with the news of the beginning of the 13th century and in succession”.

As Imam of the Ahmadi Mosque, Sheikh Ibrahim bin Ibrahim Al-Zawahiri Al-Shafi’i; He called his son “Muhammad al-Ahmadi” from the name of Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi, may God be pleased with him, and his son is the Sheikh of Islam, the Grand Imam Muhammad al-Ahmadi al-Zawahiri, l Imam of Al-Azhar Mosque.

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