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The Ministry of Health told how to eat right during the epidemic season of SARS and influenza

The chief medical officer of Ukraine told what to eat in order to strengthen the body.

The chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko gave advice on how to eat properly during the epidemic season of influenza and ARVI. He wrote about this on Facebook.

Lyashko stressed that there are no food products against coronavirus or flu-like viral infections.

According to him, you need to adhere to the basic principles of a balanced diet:

  • eating three servings of vegetables and herbs, two servings of fruits and berries daily;
  • eating the required amount of protein;
  • providing the body with a sufficient amount of fluid.

Viktor Lyashko also recommends spending more time on physical activity, consuming “an adequate amount of calories”, as well as limiting the consumption of sugar (no more than 25 grams) and salt (no more than 5 grams).

The chief medical officer noted that some substances can increase the resistance of the immune system to the penetration of viruses:

  • vitamin A (beef liver, cod liver, carrots, legumes, spinach, broccoli);
  • vitamin C (bell pepper, broccoli, tomatoes, citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries);
  • vitamin D (sea fish and seafood, egg yolk);
  • vitamin E (sunflower seeds, nuts, avocados, spinach, pumpkin, olive oil, trout, shrimp);
  • zinc (cereals, legumes, beef, eggs, cheese, seafood, nuts and seeds);
  • selenium (cereals, eggs, cottage cheese, seeds, garlic, white poultry, sea fish and seafood).

Lyashko also urged to eat lard, but not to abuse it.

Previously were named stages of vaccination against COVID-19 in Ukraine.

Prior to that, the head of the Ministry of Health Maxim Stepanov toldwho are vaccinated against coronavirus for free.

Also the head of the Verkhovna Rada committee on the health of the nation, medical assistance and medical insurance Mikhail Radutsky saidwhen Ukraine can receive a vaccine against COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health reported how many Ukrainians fell ill with COVID-19 again

Photo: 24 channel

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