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The Manipulation of Voting Machines: A Look at the 2016 and 2023 Bulgarian Elections

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I receive criticism from those concerned about my post about voting from “Sinya Sofia” in the second round. An acquaintance – knowing my family history – calls to tell me he can’t understand me. Indeed, we should not blame a considerable number of people who could not vote – in their perceptions – for DS.

Evgeny Kanev commented on this on Facebook.

Therefore, first of all, an apology to those affected – I understand their vote. However, I am not sure that I can understand and justify those who consider themselves “blue” or “right-wing” who voted for Grigorova – to “punish”. This is where my tolerance ends, because such historical myopia is unforgivable.

Yes, the victims of the DS are similar, but Bulgaria is more similar to me when faced with the prospect that it is not only the DS, but also the KGB.

In fact, I have now noticed that it has become a mainstay of the status quo to mock criticism of their faces and actions with Putin. You say something – “yes, yes, Putin is behind it.”

Consider the similarities between 2016 and 2023.


(1) The BSP nominates the unknown Radev as a presidential candidate, dropped by Gergov and elected by Reshetnikov. The honorary Russian consul has secured the election of Cornelia as head of the BSP, and she cannot refuse him. Few actually know that not only in BSP, but also in Technoimpex, she was catapulted by Gergov, from where her working career began. Reshetnikov states that he relies on GERB in Bulgaria.

(2) Borisov waits until the last moment to elevate the unelectable Tsetska Tsacheva and give Radev a run to be elected. For this purpose, he refuses to nominate for a second term the acting president Plevneliev, who to this day hates Radev – first as a person who took away his second term and then everything else.

(3) Radev was elected and worked well with Cornelia until her break with Gergov – Radev became the face of Gergov’s pro-Russian Plovdiv circle, along with Tsatsarov, Koprinkov, the Plovdiv mayors of GERB, Slavi Trifonov, and others. All the projects around Radev were inspired by this circle on the back of BSP Sofia, ABV of Parvanov and Rumen Petkov and other Russophile organizations under the common brand “Levitsa”. And BB is constantly criticized by Radev in order to keep him in the Russophile line. Therefore, Radev’s only missing criticism of Borissov is about … Turkish Stream.


(1) A new person appears for mayor of Sofia, Vanya Grigorova, nominated by the Left. Her clip – widely and long covered in the prime time in the media was filmed in the TSUM, owned by Gergov. Behind Vanya is the entire opposition of Cornelia, which, given the participation of BSP Sofia in it, cannot stop the candidacy. But she delayed the approval by nearly a month, well understanding the idea of ​​creating a face – a second center of the Russophile left. And remembering the Radev case.

Meanwhile, Borisov – despite the great scandal with the Fair – involves the mayor of Varna in a deal with the fair in the service of Gergov and prefers to extinguish the public damage by assigning the problem to the mayor of Plovdiv, Zico. Relying on Gergov for sufficient support of a new face. And BSP makes its historically lowest result in Plovdiv, because of the support of the new mayor of GERB.

This is where the manipulation with the voting machines comes in – the DANS report was prepared by the appointment of GERB there, allegedly in the absence of the rank and file chief of DANS. The goal – BB knows that it is losing Sofia, but wants enough seats in the council to block through deals for the majority of investigations against the 18-year mayoralty of GERB. Now in practice, the PP-DB-SS can form a coalition only with the BSP to bypass GERB, but there the list is lined up by… Gergov’s Left.

(2) Borisov, as in 2016, is delaying GERB’s candidate for mayor until the very end. And when everyone expects it to be Georgi Georgiev, who has been in the media for months – the nomination goes to the unelectable Hekimyan, who campaigns like an unharvested vineyard and comes in third. And Borisov, allegedly jokingly or angrily, calls for voting for Grigorova in the second round. Grigorova is also Trifonov’s ITN (and Toshko started the affair with the machine vote at Volgina) and Vazrazhdane, controlled by GERB, a significant part of GERB itself, even a part of Sinya Sofia, gravitating around Borisov.

(3) The result is Vanya’s choice, but for a little while. The small thing is, however, the launch of the machines in the second round – and 80% of those who chose Vasil vote with them, and the disability is difficult. Despite the Roma neighborhoods that recognized Hekimyan in the first round, that now recognize Grigorova.

In any case, if the paper had remained – Vanya would probably have won, as he is trying now through YOU.

But in a little while the Plovdiv circle would have a president and a mayor of Sofia.

With the same opinion, whose Crimea is.

Probably, those 55 thousand more votes for Vasil in the second round belong to those who saw the trap. The others continue to look back with the Red Wall in front.

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2023-11-07 15:00:00

#Evgeny #Kanev #similarities

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