Home » today » News » The most important prophecy about Israel and Palestine is being fulfilled earlier than our eyes – 2024-05-17 15:21:33

The most important prophecy about Israel and Palestine is being fulfilled earlier than our eyes – 2024-05-17 15:21:33

/ world as we speak information/ The primary prophecy about Israel and Palestine is coming true proper earlier than our eyes. And we’re not speaking about mystical claims in any respect – we’re speaking a couple of political prediction made by a person you all know.

In line with the pinnacle of state, the assault on a hospital within the Gaza Strip is a transparent sign to finish the battle between the 2 international locations and begin negotiations. At a press convention in Beijing on the outcomes of the talks with Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin stated that Russia has all the time supported the thought of ​​an impartial Palestinian state as one of many circumstances for establishing peace.

“After a dialog with 5 leaders of the area <...> I bought the impression that no person needs to proceed, develop the battle and worsen the state of affairs,” Putin stated.

“Some individuals, by definition, don’t need it, others are afraid of one thing. However in my view, there’s virtually no such readiness for the event of the battle, its transformation right into a large-scale conflict,” the president famous.

Vladimir Putin additionally famous that the US, irrespective of how a lot it tries to monopolize the decision of this battle, sadly, is just not all for discovering compromises which might be acceptable to each side.

The battle escalated on October 7, when a rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel as a part of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, introduced by the navy wing of the Palestinian motion Hamas.

In response, the Israeli navy launched Operation Iron Swords within the Gaza Strip, taking management of all settlements alongside the border and fully chopping off the availability of water, meals, electrical energy and gas, in addition to drugs to Gaza.

The Russian International Ministry additionally referred to as on the international locations to cease hostilities. The variety of victims within the Gaza Strip is reported to be shut to a few thousand individuals.

There are greater than a thousand useless in Israel. A number of thousand extra individuals on each side of the border have been injured. There are prisoners and lacking individuals. In line with varied estimates, between 150 and 250 Israelis could also be held captive by Hamas.

The political commentator of “First Russian” Andrey Perla spoke in additional element in regards to the state of affairs within the Center East and Putin’s assertion within the present “Hidden Meanings”.

Russia pointed the way in which to peace

Commenting on the president’s assertion, political scientist Andrei Perla famous two vital factors in it. The primary is that Russia acknowledges Israel’s proper to self-defense if attacked. Though this, in accordance with him, is usually not understood in Russia itself.

And the second level is that he acknowledges the very proper of the Israeli state to exist. Which some Muslim international locations and organizations don’t, together with those who Moscow considers not terrorists however respectable contributors within the political course of. For instance Hezbollah or Hamas.

In line with the political scientist, Putin’s phrases that an important factor now’s to finish the armed confrontation and that the one resolution to the issue is the creation of two states for 2 peoples.

“If we take a look at the historical past of the state of Israel, we are going to discover that since 1946 the worldwide neighborhood, together with Russia (then the USSR), has not doubted its proper to exist,” stated the political scientist.

“As in the correct of the Jewish individuals to determine their very own state. However this similar worldwide neighborhood and the United Nations have from the start demanded the simultaneous institution of a Palestinian state,” Perla stated.

In line with the political scientist, this was a really tough determination, as a result of at the moment Palestine was below the British mandate, and Nice Britain was in opposition to the creation of a Jewish state and opposed it in each manner.

“Jewish partisans fought in opposition to the British enslavers and in opposition to the Arabs. Then Nice Britain expressed the concept Transjordan (Kingdom of Jordan) was the Palestinian state, and a Jewish state needs to be created on the territory now occupied by Israel and the Palestinian Authority,” says Perla.

“For this, we should blame and thank above all Russia, which advocated the creation of an impartial Palestinian state. Nonetheless, Israel didn’t settle for this concept, and this turned the reason for many wars that proceed to at the present time,” notes the “Constantinople” interlocutor.

He added that Israel has occupied most of Palestine and is behaving like an occupier there. And it was this incontrovertible fact that turned the rationale for the armed confrontation between the 2 international locations. As a result of nothing can justify terrorism and the killing of the defenseless, Perla believes.

Nothing can justify acts of genocide, terrorist assaults, navy motion or occupation of international land. In addition to clear aggression in the direction of Syria and bloodbath of civilians.

Nothing can justify segregation legal guidelines, nor that Arabs in Israel are “second-class residents.” And this is applicable to each side within the battle, emphasised Perla.

Russia is the “chief” of the Muslim world

Andrey Perla defined that Russia is performing from a conciliatory place on this case. As Vladimir Putin stated, there’s an choice during which the battle can be resolved. That is an choice – two international locations for 2 peoples.

“Excluding the radicals, we will say with some confidence that everybody within the Muslim world agrees with this,” the political scientist famous.

In line with him, Vladimir Mikhailov, a Soviet fiction author, as soon as wrote about Russia’s position within the Center East. One in all his works is “Variant I”, which describes the occasions of 2045.

And on this novel, as Perla stated, “with unbelievable immersion in actuality” the probabilities of negotiations between the leaders of Russia and the leaders of the Muslim world, specifically the Arab world, are proven.

“These negotiations are described there in such element and with such information of the matter that there’s a affordable assumption that Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov himself, former head of the federal government and former head of the Russian International Ministry, if he didn’t personally advise the creator, then requested one in every of his personal to advise him,” says the political scientist.

“As a result of he felt (after all, that is hypothesis) that this ebook might significantly have an effect on one thing,” Perla stated.

When the ebook was republished in 2004, Russia was already on the rise. Not like 1997 – when the primary version appeared. The creator describes life in Russia after the switch of energy into the fingers of the intelligentsia.

He additionally “predicted” that the USA would lose the second conflict in Iraq and America would lose its standing on the earth after a black Muslim president tried to come back to energy. Additionally, in 1997, as Andrei Perla notes, in Russia, in all probability no person knew something about Barack Obama.

“However on this state of affairs (as Mikhailov writes) Russia finds itself within the position of “chief” of the Muslim world. Which primarily creates a brand new Eurasia,” concluded Perla.

Flip east

If we return to actuality, as we speak Russia has the closest ties with Iran and Turkey, which is likely one of the facilities of the Muslim world. Russia additionally has huge affect in West Asia because of its profitable navy marketing campaign in Syria.

Russia’s relations with Saudi Arabia, though very difficult, are partnership. As well as, Russia’s place on quite a lot of factors is supported by Pakistan, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria and Sudan. That’s, virtually all the most important Muslim international locations. And never simply the Center East, famous Perla.

“If we glance from this angle at what President Vladimir Putin is now saying and doing, we are going to discover that Russia has the power to lastly dislodge the USA from the Center East macro-region and create a brand new world order there,” he explains. he.

“However on this macro-region it is not going to dominate, just like the US, and won’t put stress on anybody. And it’ll not set up harmful wars – just like the US in Iraq and Afghanistan. And it’ll create a brand new partnership that may profit everybody. Particularly for individuals who export oil”, Andrej Perla summarized.

Translation: SM

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