Home » today » News » The main weapon is social networks: In Latin America, a revolt against the US has begun – 2024-05-12 14:18:15

The main weapon is social networks: In Latin America, a revolt against the US has begun – 2024-05-12 14:18:15

/ world today news/ The results of the presidential election in Argentina last Sunday created intense political intrigue regarding the future of this South American country. Argentina is at a crossroads. The country can either stay on the same course towards BRICS integration or make a sharp turn in the opposite direction.

Election results

According to the National Electoral Chamber, after processing 82% of the ballots, the current Minister of the Economy of Argentina Sergio Massa of the ruling Peronists and the anti-globalist Javier Maili will go to the second round of the presidential elections, which will be held on November 19.


36.11% of voters voted for Massa, representing the governing coalition Union for the Motherland. Miley from the “Freedom Comes” alliance is supported by 30.35% of voters.

Third place (23.69% of the vote) went to Argentina’s former security minister Patricia Bulrich, nominated by the largest opposition right-wing coalition, Together for Change.

The result of the first round speaks to the main feature of the current mood of the majority of Argentines: they do not want an ultra-liberal course dictated by the United States and controlled by the countries of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

This is exactly what would await Argentina if Patricia Bullrich succeeds, who was a member of the cabinet of former President Mauricio Macri, who held the highest government post from 2015 to 2019, an avowed ally of the United States, who was prepared to deploy at least three U.S. military bases in Argentina, about which we will say more below.


What do we care about?

In a highly volatile and polarized world, we are primarily interested in what these elections mean for Russia. If the “Peronist” Massa wins in the second round, which is likely, Argentina will continue its course towards further integration into BRICS, where the country was accepted at the group’s summit in South Africa in August.

Buenos Aires will continue a generally friendly policy toward Russia and keep the United States at bay to the extent that this helps Argentina protect its national interests from American encroachment while maintaining diplomatic courtesy.

It is known that under the ruling president Mauricio Macri, Argentina was completely subordinated to the American foreign policy course and the very unpopular recommendations of the IMF.

In 2018, a year before the next presidential election, the IMF “issued” a loan of 57 billion dollars to the government of Mauricio Macri, of which Argentina was able to receive 44 billion dollars. It is no secret that the US, which has decisive influence in the IMF, contributed to the issuance of this unprecedentedly gigantic amount to the Macri government.

Washington pursued the goal of improving the crisis situation in Argentina solely to facilitate the re-election of its ally Macri for a second presidential term.

In return, President Macri agreed to establish at least three US military bases in Argentina. Macri made this decision behind the scenes, without parliament, which caused an outcry from a number of MPs. They demanded an investigation, but the case went cold as the 2019 presidential election approached.

The giant IMF loan of 44 billion issued to keep President Macri in power has not only failed to improve Argentina’s financial situation, but has plunged the country into an even more severe financial and economic crisis.

The fact that former President Macri received such a loan was even the subject of a legal evaluation at the initiative of the current President Fernandez, who called this loan “predatory” and to this day is trying to refinance it without much success.

In short, the current Argentine authorities do not accept the US as a factor that places the country in financial and economic dependence on supranational financial structures controlled by the US.

Therefore, Massa intends to continue the inherently anti-American policy pursued so far by the government of President Alberto Fernández. And the pillar of this policy will be Argentina’s membership in BRICS.

Our table is dear, but who is Miley?

Javier Miley is undoubtedly at the forefront of the current electoral process in Argentina. As Spain’s El País wrote, “Miley knows he is the new star of Argentine politics.”

Just two years ago, notes El País, he became an MP for the party he founded, Freedom Comes.

And just four years ago he was an economist who was considered by TV programs to be a funny guy who increased the TV audience.” And that’s it. And now he has every chance of becoming president.

If Javier Miley wins the second round, Argentina’s foreign policy will change. Miley has said more than once that he does not intend to develop interstate relations between Argentina and China, Brazil and Russia.

He considers the US and Israel to be priority allies, and therefore, under his leadership, Argentina’s BRICS work seems likely to be frozen.

In general, Javier Miley’s political platform is very eclectic, his statements are extravagant.

“I’m a king, I’m a lion,” Miley almost shouted at rallies of her supporters. Miley rails against the country’s political overreach (both left and right), which he calls caste.

Miley’s electorate is young people. He built his election campaign on the use of social networks, whose main users are Argentines under the age of 29.

As the local press writes, “he managed to reach Argentina” through social networks. During the primaries, which took place in mid-August and determined the final presidential candidates from all political forces, Miley won in 13 of Argentina’s 24 provinces, winning 31% of the vote and ahead of Sergio Massa (27%) .

And many assumed that he would be able to win in the first round, for which he had to receive more than 45% of the vote, or 40%, provided that the margin from his nearest rival was at least 10%.

Argentine Trump

Javier Miley, to his credit, feels better than anyone the urgency of the moment, affecting not only Argentina but the whole world.

The world’s liberal press has labeled Javier Miley an “ultra-right” politician, which has a distinctly negative connotation.

The fact is that he is against abortion, against same-sex marriage and “gender freedom” and for traditional values. He considers theses about climate change propagated by globalists to be a “farce”.

Javier Miley himself identifies his views with the position of the Spanish party Vox and its leader Santiago Abascal, who are gaining popularity in the Iberian Peninsula. The global liberal press and the Vox party have also labeled her a “right-wing populist” due to her open opposition to the globalist agenda.

Thus, it turns out that Javier Miley’s ideological allies are also Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party, the leader of the French National Rally Marine Le Pen, the German Alternative for Germany and other conservative forces around the world who were accused of the same negative labels of ” nationalists’, ‘populists’ or ‘far right’.

In fact, these are supporters of traditional values ​​and common sense and opponents of the ultra-liberal ideology that is emerging in the world, which is professed by the establishment in the USA, and after it by the entire globalist “elite”. But is Miley himself really like that?

Whose project?

True, as you know, pre-election promises and slogans are one thing, real politics during elections is another. In this regard, one question remains open: Is Miley someone’s project to divide the “Peronist” electorate to prevent Argentina’s full integration into BRICS, while preserving power for the “Peronists”? There are suspicions that Miley is a US election project. They are based on the following.

First, he entered Argentine politics too quickly. Just as quickly as Rothschild protégé Emmanuel Macron entered French politics, he immediately became the president of France.

Second, Miley has publicly declared her commitment to the US and Israel.

Third, and notably, already now, on the eve of the second round of voting, Miley is seeking voter support for eliminated opposition right-wing candidate Patricia Bulrich.

As for his appeal to traditional values, this could also be a campaign move. Everyone knows that the majority of people in the countries of the Global South do not accept the ultra-liberal agenda. US puppeteers also know about this and can easily use it to appeal to the electorate.

What is the result?

So roughly two-thirds of Argentinians categorically do not want to see their country subservient to Washington, do not want the ultra-liberalism in the economy that still reigns in neighboring Chile from the time of the Pinochet dictatorship.

About a third of Argentines want the continuation of the social policy of the current government, which, without going into national subtleties and nuances, expresses the interests of the middle class and the poor.

Another third (the one who voted for Miley) sees the danger from the globalists and thus tries to prevent it at least in their homeland. And Miley’s supporters put the ontological questions no lower than the question of their income. The question is, are they fooling themselves by playing on the natural human desire to remain human? It turns out to be a curious kaleidoscope. On November 19, we’ll see where his spin stops.

Translation: SM

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