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The journalist explains why Hatzi Halevi should resign – JDN

Many on the right have called in the last day for the resignation of Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy, due to the fact that he is promoting officers in the IDF who were connected to the conspiracy – and at the same time released Ofer Winter from service • Ariel Kahana reasoned why Halevy should resign, also because of the future

In the past day, many on the right have called for the resignation of Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, due to the fact that he promotes officers in the IDF who were connected to the conspiracy – and at the same time released Ofer Winter from service, after he was not promoted due to his offensive attitude.

Israel Today’s political commentator, Ariel Kahana, published a reasoned explanation under the title: “Harzi Halevi should end his career as Chief of Staff.”

He explained: “He failed in the past, because the terrible attack happened on his watch while he was blinded by intelligence, a defensive collapse, a misunderstanding of the battlefield and a disconnection from the political echelon.”

“He failed in the present – and this is the most important section – in not achieving victory after seven months, with one of the strongest and most sophisticated armies in the world against the smallest of our enemies, even though he was given all the means to do so.”

“He failed in the future, in pruning the IDF’s good command reserve, which could have been corrected.”

Ariel Kahana explained that “Under these conditions, Halevi, does not deserve the trust of the public in Israel, nor of the soldiers, many of whom whisper from mouth to mouth, what I am writing here aloud. He has no fighting spirit. He has no messages. There is no spirit left in him. If he had brought the news of victory instead of the news of Job, the other shortcomings would have been partially forgiven.”

“Since this has not been the case for six months – and as has happened more than once in the military history of the world (and also in our War of Independence) – the government has the right, and even the obligation, to transfer the command and the mission to another officer. Many good people from the entire political spectrum think so.”

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