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The incredible sum Kanye West spent on his presidential campaign

More than a year ago, Kanye West had in mind to enter the electoral race in the United States of America, to be the third candidate on the ballot and look next to Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

It seemed crazy to everyone, but no, it was all true and Kanye was preparing to take command of the most powerful nation in the world, an act that his wife, Kylie Jenner, did not approve and that could affect the divorce that they are both processing.

The incredible sum of money Kanye West spent on his presidential campaign

But there was a question that jumped into the air, and it was how much Kanye West spent on his presidential campaign, money he paid out of pocket and that he even convinced a few thousand voters to vote for him.

In this way, the rapper Kanye West had to shell out $ 12.5 million out of his own pocket in his failed bid to become the next president of the United States, according to data from the Federal Electoral Commission.

His ephemeral and controversial passage through the presidential race, which materialized through of a newly created party called “Birthday Party”, It was only able to attract two million dollars in foreign investment, as has been made clear in this official report.

Kanye West didn’t appear on the all-state ballot

What’s more, could only attend elections in twelve states by not complying with some administrative procedures on time.

Finally, Kim Kardashian’s ex-husband received only 66,000 votes from Americans. Some 7.5 million dollars went precisely to the payment of the fees necessary to enter the lists of candidates.

Souvenirs also came out of the rapper’s pocket

On the other hand, legal fees and promotional items such as T-shirts, accessories and other apparel also took a significant portion of his budget, without forgetting the production of numerous propaganda videos for social networks and other online platforms.

What do you think of the amount of money Kanye West spent?

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