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The Incredible Health Benefits of Apples: Weight Loss, Diabetes Prevention, and More!

apples help you lose weight

Apples provide the body with nutrients that can help you lose or control weight. The use of these fruits reduces appetite, respectively, a person feels full, therefore, consumes fewer calories.

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition claims that polyphenols – natural antioxidants – found in apples can help you lose weight and even counteract obesity.

Reduced risk of diabetes

Apple and pear consumption was associated with an 18% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Even eating just one of these fruits a week reduces the risk by 3%.

The polyphenols found in apples have been linked to protection against diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

These Fruits Support Brain Health

Apples contain a certain type of polyphenol called quercetin, which is a pigment found in many other fruits and vegetables. Quercetin has been found to have antioxidant effects – it helps fight Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Scientists also say that quercetin has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, and could potentially help protect against cardiovascular problems.

May improve heart health

A 2019 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with moderately high cholesterol who consumed 2 apples a day lowered “bad” cholesterol levels and increased blood vessel dilation. And it can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Help reduce pressure

A 2020 study found that flavanol-rich foods, in particular apples, can help lower blood pressure. To do this, eat 2 fruits every day.

In addition, flavanols may also have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties.

Improve intestinal bacteria

Healthy digestion and a healthy immune system start in the gut. Regular consumption of apples helps to increase the number of beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Eating a variety of apple varieties, including Pink Lady, Golden Delicious, and Renetta Canada, increased the population of beneficial actinobacteria in the guts of study participants. Actinobacteria are known as one of the main components of the microbiota and are essential for gut health.

Take care of dental health

Eating apples does not remove plaque from teeth, but it does reduce the viability of bacteria in a person’s mouth, potentially keeping teeth healthier and less prone to decay over time.

Improve breathing

A 2016 study shows that eating an apple after eating garlic can significantly reduce the enzymes that contribute to bad breath.

May reduce the risk of developing cancer

A 2009 study published in Reviews on Environmental Health found that eating one or more apples a day significantly reduced a person’s risk of colorectal cancer, while a 2015 meta-analysis published in the journal Public Health Nutrition found that eating apples was associated with reducing the risk of developing lung cancer.

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