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The Importance of Proper Nutrition for Student Success: Tips and Recommendations

Oman- With preparation for semester exams, many specialists and experts recommend paying attention to the quality of students’ nutrition and organizing their meals, as it plays an important role in helping them focus and succeed. What are the most important foods that a student needs? What foods should he stay away from? How are meals organized?

How does proper nutrition contribute to maintaining the health of students?

Nutritionist and food processor Shahd Yassin stresses the importance of not underestimating the power of fuel that students consume when preparing for an important test at school. Unfortunately, a large number of them skip breakfast on the day of the exam, or stick to eating sugary foods that give them quick energy, which is followed by sharp collapse.

And she added in an interview with Al-Jazeera Net that research shows that what students eat in the 12 hours preceding the exam is important, so test takers should start preparing and eating well the day before.

What are the most important foods for improving brain health?

Yassin points out some types of food that should be eaten before the test to improve brain health, including omega-3, which is an excellent food for the brain to prepare for the exam, to maintain concentration capabilities and general alertness, as well as dark fruits and vegetables for antioxidants, and the darker the fruit or vegetable, the healthier it is because Increasing their content of pigments that are antioxidants, as research indicates that antioxidants can improve the aging of the brain and memory, and help it remember important facts and figures.

Omega 3 is found in seafood such as fish and shellfish, flaxseed oil, soybeans, canola oil, and chia seeds.

To increase students’ antioxidant levels, Yassin recommends eating the following foods before exams: blueberries, grapes, red beans, black beans, artichokes, peaches, and apples.

What foods provide students with energy?

Yassin showed that the brain uses sugar as fuel, but the simple sugars in soft drinks and candy burn very quickly. Therefore, to give the student constant energy, he must choose complex carbohydrates, because they are foods that give energy steadily and for a longer period.

Some of the complex starchy foods that should be eaten before the test, according to Yassin, include whole grains and oatmeal, which is a great choice for breakfast before the test, fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and other legumes, in addition to protein that is important for sustainable energy, and this means that students need high-protein brain food. For test days, like eggs and milk.

Is it recommended to drink large amounts of water?

Yassin believes that hydration is just as important as eating during exams, thus she advises students to drink plenty of water in the morning and to carry a water bottle with them.

Staying hydrated not only helps the student feel more alert and aware, but it also reduces test anxiety when they are stressed.

What meals are advised to stay away from during exams?

In an interview with Al-Jazeera Net, a nutritionist and a member of the Jordanian Clinical Dietitians Association, Noura Al-Jabari, advises students to avoid eating:

  1. Fast food.
  2. Fried meals, because they contain trans fats and high levels of cholesterol, as studies have shown that they lead to a decline in student results in exams because they affect the power of perception and concentration.
  3. Sugars, as they lead to poor memory and concentration in the long term.
  4. Caffeine-containing drinks, as they negatively affect students’ sleep, which reduces their concentration during exams, and increases symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Does eating sweets and chocolate frequently affect students’ concentration?

Al-Jabri says that recent studies have shown that eating sweets and chocolate in high quantities leads to high levels of glucose in the blood, which helps to reduce the level of awareness and concentration of the student and a deficit in memory, as well as hinders mental ability.

It also leads to ADHD, because it reduces production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is one of the most important neurotrophins in processes such as learning, memory and thinking.

It was found that inappropriate levels of this substance, according to Al-Jabri, cause cognitive impairment and mood problems, not to mention high blood sugar.

What are the most important tips for students who suffer from anorexia?

Al-Jaabari invites the students to eat small meals every two hours, and to focus on the variety of food necessary for the health of the body, such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and to drink plenty of water and liquids such as fresh juices to prevent dehydration, and to provide them with food in a way that increases their appetite and encourages them to eat.

It also recommends adding flavorings and spices to food, because they open the appetite, and it is possible to eat sweets and chocolate in a moderate amount, and not eat them before meal time, in addition to exercising, and nutritional supplements can be taken as needed, but only after consulting a doctor.

2023-05-26 09:32:03

#foods #recommended #stay #exams #health

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