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The Impact of Slum Lords and Housing Shortages in Amsterdam: A Closer Look

Slum lords buy up houses, split them into apartments, charge exorbitant rents, maintain their properties poorly, charge sky-high deposits and evict tenants who object. Half of the vacant houses in Amsterdam have been sold in the past decade to slumlords who saw their market in expat housing. Long live the housing shortage and after us the deluge, seems to be their motto.

House building and building land are indeed expensive, but it all depends on what return you want to achieve, how expensive you build, for which target groups. Wasn’t smart of Minister Blok at the time to heavily tax the profits that housing associations made with home sales and reinvested in new construction by means of the landlord levy, with the weak excuse that everyone had to help make up for the deficits caused by the financial crises.

‘Scheefwoners’ are available in two sizes. Those who live too expensive, due to a drop in income, capping of the rent allowance, and the inclusion of the WOZ value in the home valuation that underlies rent increases in the social sector.

In addition, there are people who would live too cheaply in the free sector and would have to buy a house that does not exist, or that is too expensive because they cannot get a mortgage. I think it’s nonsense that you could live ‘too cheap’. Moreover, since the rent approach was introduced by the late Heerema in 1986, I find the rental policy an infringement of the human right to live in shelter.

Older people who live too large after their working life, and with the children out of the house, often have difficulty shrinking their household if they remain very nostalgic, and cannot find cheap stepless elderly homes, let alone with a garden, or a living group. or sheltered housing.

Only in times of plenty is the tendency to appoint scapegoats less. Jealousy seems like the easiest way out when things go wrong, but it’s a fake solution with bad consequences.

2023-08-06 10:12:30
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