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The Impact of Certain Foods on Cardiovascular Health: Global Study Reveals Key Findings

Lack of certain foods in the diet has been associated with a higher level of cardiovascular disease and death worldwide, in a new global study of 80 countries. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 18 million people died from cardiovascular disease in 2019, which represents 32% of all deaths worldwide. Of these deaths, 85% were due to myocardial infarction and stroke.

Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables protect against chronic diseases Photo: © Marilyn Barbone | Dreamstime.com

A study carried out in 80 countries on all inhabited continents and published in the journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) indicates that diets that emphasize fruits, vegetables, dairy products (especially those with full fat, non-fat), nuts , legumes and fish were associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and premature death in all regions of the world.

The addition of unprocessed red meat or whole grains had little impact on the results.

6 foods that keep you away from cardiovascular problems

The study, led by researchers from McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences at the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) in Canada, found that insufficient consumption of a combination of six key foods is associated with an increased risk higher cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults.

Thus, the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fish and whole milk products it is essential to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including myocardial infarction and stroke, say the specialists who led this study.

The study also found that a healthy diet can be achieved in various ways, such as including moderate amounts of whole grains or unprocessed meat.

Similar previous research focused on Western countries and diets that combined harmful, ultra-processed foods with nutrient-dense foods.

This research was global in scope and focused on foods commonly considered healthy.

PHRI researchers and their collaborators worldwide analyzed data from 245,000 people in 80 countries from several studies.

The results were published Thursday in the European Heart Journal.

From the ongoing global study, the researchers derived a large-scale dietary score, called PURE (Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological), then replicated it in five independent studies to measure health outcomes in different regions of the world and in people with and without previous CVD.

“Previous dietary scores, including the EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet – rich in fruits and vegetables, with protein and fat mainly from plant foods and unsaturated oils from fish, and carbohydrates from whole grains – and the Mediterranean diet, tested the relationship between diet and CVD and death, mainly in Western countries”, said Salim Yusuf, lead author of the study and researcher at PURE.

The PURE Healthy Diet Score included a good representation of high-, middle-, and low-income countries.

In addition to being truly global, the PURE Healthy Diet score focused exclusively on natural foods, the authors say.

“We were unique in this approach. The other diet scores combined foods considered harmful — such as processed and ultra-processed foods — with foods and nutrients thought to protect one’s health,” said first author Andrew Mente, PHRI researcher and assistant professor in the department of research methods. in Health, Evidence and Impact from McMaster.

“Recently, there is an increased emphasis on eating more healthy foods to prevent disease. Apart from larger quantities of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, researchers have shown that moderation is essential in the consumption of natural foods”, he mentioned.

How many servings of fruit, vegetables and dairy are needed daily

Moderate amounts of fish and whole milk products are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.

“The same health results can be obtained with a moderate consumption of grains and meat – as long as they are unrefined whole grains and unprocessed meat,” the researcher stated.

The PURE Healthy Diet score recommends an average daily intake of: two-three servings of fruit; two or three servings of vegetables; walnuts, a portion; and dairy, two portions.

The score also includes three to four weekly servings of legumes and two to three weekly servings of fish.

Possible substitutes include whole grains, one serving daily, and unprocessed red meat or poultry, one serving daily. (news.ro / photo: Dreamstime.com)

2023-07-08 15:32:00
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