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the highlights of the week

Figures for the week (as of August 11)

  • According to the Directorate General of Health, 5.045 people are hospitalized in France for a Covid-19 infection.
  • Among these hospitalized people, 396 affected patients of a form severe of Covid19 are in intensive care.
  • Since the start of the epidemic, France has deplored a total of 30.340 death.
  • 851 clusters are under investigation, and 519 were closed.
  • In a week, 589.141 tests were performed with a positivity rate of 2,1%.

– Info of the week –

Covid-19. L'hôte du Kremlin s'est exprimé pendant une réunion ministérielle diffusée par la télévision d'Etat, selon l'agence Reuters, précisant même que le vaccin avait été administré à l'une de ses deux filles. Ce traitement, qui serait donc le premier vaccin contre le Covid-19, a été développé par le Centre de recherches en épidémiologie et microbiologie Nikolaï Gamaleïa, un centre de recherche d'Etat moscovite. Le vaccin a fait l'objet d'une autorisation réglementaire par le ministère de la Santé, ce qui ouvre la voie à l'utilisation à grande échelle sur la population. On demeure néanmoins intrigué par la rapidité de l'annonce, puisque seuls 2 mois d'essais cliniques ont été menés chez l'Homme. Selon les standards scientifiques ces essais de phase III doivent porter sur des milliers de participants et peuvent difficilement être raccourcis. Par ailleurs, le souligne que l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, qui tient à jour la liste des essais cliniques, ne mentionne pas le vaccin russe. “I know that (this vaccine) is very effective, that it helps to develop a strong immunity and, I repeat, it has passed all the necessary tests”, maintains Vladimir Putin. “data-reactid =” 27 “> Russian President Vladimir Putin affirmed on August 11, 2020 that his country has developed the virus responsible for Covid-19. The host of the Kremlin spoke during a ministerial meeting broadcast by state television, according to Reuters, even specifying that the vaccine had been administered to one of his two daughters. This treatment, which would therefore be the first vaccine against Covid-19, was developed by the Nikolai Gamaleia Epidemiology and Microbiology Research Center, a Moscow state research center. The vaccine has received regulatory approval from the Ministry of Health, which paves the way for ‘large-scale use in the population. We are nevertheless intrigued by the speed of the announcement, since only 2 months of clinical trials have been carried out in humans. According to scientific standards, these phase III trials must relate to thousands of participants and can hardly ent be shortened. Moreover, the stresses that the World Health Organization, which maintains the list of clinical trials, does not mention the Russian vaccine. “I know that (this vaccine) is very effective, that it helps to develop a strong immunity and, I repeat, it has passed all the necessary tests”, maintains Vladimir Putin.


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