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The helm of the Alytus district conservatives has been handed over to a new chairman

Gintaras Chščenavičius was elected chairman of TS-LKD Alytus district branch. (Alytus district weekly photo)

The new leader elected at the general meeting of the Alytus district branch of the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) says: “There will be changes.”

From April 21 Gintaras Chščenavičius became the chairman of the conservative department of Alytus district for a four-year term. Gediminas Krasauskas and Gintarė Jociunskaitė, who applied for the position of department chairman, later abandoned their intentions. Both of them will continue to hold the position of deputy chairman, which they held previously when Algirdas Vrubliauskas was the chairman of the department.

The 59-year-old G. Chščenavičius, who hails from the Kėdainiai district and has a veterinary education, is already a member of the Alytus district municipal council for the fourth term, in this term he is a member of the Municipal Economy Development and Environmental Protection Committee. He works as a senior specialist in the Alytus territorial department of the Emergency Medical Service.

“Since I have been in charge of the department for just a few days, my deputies and I did not have time to plan specific tasks. Of course, we will continue what we started earlier, but there will also be changes. We discussed who will continue to lead the TS-LKD faction in the Alytus district municipal council, who will be the leader of the opposition, but we haven’t made a decision yet,” said G. Chščenavičius to “Dainava hožija”.

A few years ago, the Alytus district branch of TS-LKD had more than 500 members, but after losing the municipal elections, the number of members began to melt. Currently there are 320 members, about 200 have left the party for various reasons.

G. Chščenavičius replaced the long-time chairman of TS-LKD Alytus district branch and former mayor A. Vrubliauskas, and recently, after the latter suspended his membership in the party, the branch did not have a chairman. For now, A. Vrubliauskas is the leader of the opposition in the Alytus District Council and the head of the TS-LKD faction.

A. Vrubliauskas, who led the Alytus district conservatives for more than a decade, suspended his membership in the party when the Special Investigation Service (STT) made allegations against him during a pre-trial investigation regarding fraud, abuse and falsification of documents and their use in the so-called “cheques” scandal.

During the investigation, it became clear that A. Vrubliauskas possibly declared fuel and vehicle repair costs for personal use as costs related to the activities of a council member. It is suspected that he fraudulently obtained almost 20,000 by submitting forged documents and in this way spent the last term. euros.

A. Vrubliauskas returned to the budget possibly illegally used allowances of the council member – EUR 19,669. “I made this decision despite the fact that the majority of the received funds were used to compensate the expenses related to the activities of the council member. I regret that when declaring the council member’s expenses, there was a lack of attentiveness, care, and partly a good knowledge of accounting. The resulting situation is a painful lesson for me,” A. Vrubliauskas wrote on his Facebook account.

The criminal case of “checks” has already been transferred to the Kaunas District Court.

#helm #Alytus #district #conservatives #handed #chairman
– 2024-04-25 11:05:28

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