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The Health Benefits of Kale: A Nutritious Leafy Green Vegetable

Kale in English is Kale. It is a vegetable in the Brassicaceae family. It is a vegetable in the same family as cabbage, broccoli, and kale. In addition to the name Kale, In Thailand, kale is also called wavy leaf kale or curly leaf kale.

Because it is a very green leafy vegetable. It has a stem that secretly resembles kale. The only difference is in the appearance of the leaves, where kale is much more serrated. There are many different varieties of kale.

But what is widespread in Thailand is kale with wavy green leaves, the Curly Kale or Scottish Kale variety, which has a hard stem. If eaten fresh, the taste will be bitter. Therefore, it is popular to blend into smoothies.

And another species is Dinosaur Kale (Lacinato Dinosaur Kale) that is popularly used to make salads. Because it has a sweeter taste than green wavy kale.

Kale or curly leaf kale It is a green leafy vegetable that is gaining popularity among health lovers to the point that many people are starting to wonder what benefits kale has. What menu can it be used to make?

Kale is one of the green leafy vegetables and has some dark purple tints on some leaves. It is a green leafy vegetable that has a crisp, delicious taste and is rich in many benefits. Can be used to make many more menus.

Benefits of Kale

1. High fiber. Kale is a vegetable that is rich in fiber, up to 4.7 grams per 1 cup. The fiber in kale not only helps with bowel movement. But the fiber of kale also helps trap fat. Another way to reduce cholesterol in the blood

2. Helps lose weight Because kale is very low in calories. There is less carbon and sugar. But it is rich in fiber that helps in weight loss. Makes you full easily Helps in the digestion of various nutrients, helps with excretion, and traps fat.

3. Rich in antioxidants Kale contains beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin E and also flavonoids. Contains quercetin Each has its own antioxidant activity.

Therefore, it is an aid in fighting free radicals that may cause our cells to deteriorate faster than they should. It also helps prevent inflammation in cells from being damaged by free radicals.

4. High vitamin C because kale has quite a high amount of vitamin C. As befits the queen of green leafy vegetables. The benefits of vitamin C also help stimulate the production of collagen. Synthesizes collagen Helps prevent bleeding from gums. Boost immunity, etc.

5. Help reduce fat, reduce blood sugar. Kale is considered a vegetable that can help reduce blood fat. Because it has fiber that helps in excretion. Helps trap fat In addition, lutein contained in kale also helps reduce bad cholesterol LDL.

6. A source of vitamin K Helps in blood clotting Kale is quite high in vitamin K. 1 cup of raw kale provides nearly 70% of the daily value of vitamin K. Therefore, kale is good for people who have bleeding problems easily. or has continuous bleeding It also helps in the maintenance of tissues and bones.

7. Helps nourish and protect the eyes. Kale contains antioxidants that are good for eye health, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which help protect retinal cells from being damaged. Slow down the occurrence of cataracts. and macular degeneration

It also has vitamin A. That helps nourish eyesight in the working part of the retina. and plays an important role in seeing in the dark It also has beta-carotene. That helps reduce the degeneration of eyeball cells. Including reducing the risk of cataracts.

8. Good for the heart because kale is high in potassium. Eating kale therefore helps reduce blood pressure levels. Helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

9. Reduce cancer risk Rich in many important antioxidants. It also has quite high chlorophyll. Therefore, it helps to fight free radicals that may increase the risk of developing bad cells in the body.

And there is also research that studied a group of 149 volunteers. It was found that people who ate 14 grams of kale extract powder per day for 8 weeks in a row had lower LDL cholesterol levels along with lower blood pressure levels. go down Belly fat decreased and blood sugar levels go down


Posted by: Shock A In

Reference: Apichai Sak-apa. 2021. Development of production factors from waste materials.

Agriculture within the farm for producing organic kale.

Kanlaya Kunathip. 2021. Study of total phenolic compounds and

Antioxidant effect of kale powder products.

2023-10-09 12:12:00

#Kale #queen #green #leafy #vegetables

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