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The Greeks discovered how not to pay the electricity bills

Electricity suppliers are trying to prevent the so-called “energy tourism”, that is the phenomenon of consumers constantly changing supplier, leading to accumulation of arrears.

This was revealed in Kathimerini.

The media specify that electricity suppliers are also considering the possibility of creating a bad debt register.

In August, the first month of implementation of the new pricing mechanism, the movement of customers between providers increased by 20% compared to previous months, with expectations this percentage will increase even more in September and in the winter seasonas August is not an indicative month due to the summer holidays.

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New aid from the government in Athens

According to market estimates, some of the August moves involved consumers switching suppliers, leaving bills unpaid. To stop the phenomenon of energy tourism and after the intervention calls to the Ministry of Energy have remained unanswered, the market envisages the creation and operation of a register according to the standards of the reference mobile telephone system, in which companies will have access to the data of the electricity bill. Although similar attempts have been made in the past without success, the market believes that today is the right time and the system will be ready to go in six months.

Suppliers are concerned about the trend in unpaid debts, as payment delays of more than 45 days currently amount to 30% of the liquidity owed. Although there has been a stabilization of the growth rate in the case of high subsidies in the last two months, there is a strong concern about possible escalationespecially during the high-consumption winter season.

The annual electricity bill already exceeds the minimum monthly wage in some EU countries

The annual electricity bill already exceeds the minimum monthly wage in some EU countries

The European Trade Union Confederation has warned him

Debt collection backlog is exacerbating supplier liquidity problems, which are on the rise as they are forced to pay exorbitant amounts for months cover the higher costs buying wholesale electricity to serve their customers, while the opportunities to open new lines of credit are shrinking as banks want to limit their exposure to the sector.

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