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The Great Secrets of the Amazing Solar System

New NewsNews – The Solar System is depicted with a collection of celestial bodies that look mysterious. Its extraordinary existence makes the solar system difficult to explain scientifically.

Previously scientists had discovered ice-spewing volcanoes on Pluto.

The solar system is home to all kinds of elusive and confusing phenomena. There are several secrets of the solar system that are being unraveled by scientists.

Here are the secrets of the solar system that have been summarized

1. Weird Things Are in the Clouds of Venus

The sky of Venus is full of strange and elusive things. Scientists say we can learn a lot from the clouds swarming over our neighboring planet.

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Astronomers think Venus was once very similar to Earth. Its surface is covered by large lakes and oceans.

But toxic gases and a warming environment are scorching the planet, turning Venus’s wetlands into arid landscapes.

Many questions, whether humans can live on Venus. About thirty miles (fifty kilometers) above the surface of Venus, the temperature and pressure are said to be similar to those on Earth.

In 2023, the company Rocket Lab plans to send robots to look for signs of extraterrestrial life in the Venusian clouds.

A California spacecraft company hopes to find a living creature floating for miles above the barren land.

2. Space Storm Shadows Earth

In 2014, scientists noticed a strange vortex swirling high above the North Pole. The unusual auroral light spiral, more than 600 miles wide, dazzled the sky for eight hours before disappearing into the night.

Until recently, however, researchers struggled to explain what a giant patch of light was and why it was there.

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Physicists at Shandong University in China have succeeded in explaining the situation. Using satellite data collected during the Cold War, Qing-He Zhang explained that the mysterious ‘space storm’ was a huge spiral of electrically charged gas.

The celestial whirlpool as seen in 2014 was created by a shower of electrons ejected from the sun.

The Amazing Secrets of the Solar System

Tiny particles flow through Earth’s magnetic field, hitting gas atoms in the upper atmosphere and releasing bright flashes of light.

Zhang and his team estimate a space storm may have occurred before 2014, but this is the first time scientists have identified one.

3. Methane Points for Life on Mars

Astronomers have detected methane on Mars several times. The presence of the gas has led some scientists to speculate that life could exist on the Red Planet.

On Earth, living organisms are the most common producers of methane. Every time new scientists find new evidence of Martian methane, they are one step closer to discovering whether there is life on our neighboring planet.

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In 2019, NASA’s Curiosity vehicle discovered a spike in methane gas in the Martian atmosphere. The highest spike was detected inside Gale, a 154 km (96 mi) wide crater the rover has explored since landing in 2012.

This isn’t the first time Curiosity has encountered a methane spike. The exploratory rover detected the gas twice from 2013-14, but this is much lower than the most recent measurement.

The incredible discovery hints at extraterrestrial life, but it’s not definitive proof. Methane is also produced through geological processes, such as certain rock minerals reacting with water.

Astronomers need to gather more evidence before they can identify the source of the gas.

4. Mysterious Hum Detected on Mars

When NASA launched its InSight lander to study Mars in 2018, no one expected to find a humming planet.

But that is precisely what the spacecraft detected. According to InSight readings, the Red Planet emits an endless hum punctuated by earthquakes and tremors.

The Amazing Secrets of the Solar System

And no one can figure out why. The aircraft is equipped with high-precision seismometers and various detectors.

The researchers say that data from InSight has revealed a huge amount about the planet’s structure and magnetic field.

Since landing, the lander has recorded more than 450 cases of seismic activity – or, as some experts call it, ‘marsquakes’.

Unlike Earth, Mars does not have plate tectonics, which means scientists are still trying to figure out exactly how the earthquake was caused.

But the most surprising part of InSight’s discovery was the mysterious hum of Mars. The seismic signal hums at 2.4 Hz and seems to get louder as the planet shakes.

5. Methane Rain on Saturn’s Largest Moon

Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, has some unusual weather patterns. Apart from Earth, it is

According to the Cassini orbiter NASA, there are areas of Titan that only receive rainfall about once every thousand years instead of water, but rain of methane. Astronomers have even discovered vast lakes and oceans of liquid methane.

6. Strange Mass Hiding Beneath the Moon’s Surface Beneath the largest crater in the solar system lies a giant lump of metal.

The elusive mass is estimated to be about five times the size of the island of Hawai’i, which lies beneath the South Pole-Aitken basin on the far side of the moon.

The crater is roughly oval in shape, more than 1,200 miles wide, and miles deep.

Astronomers estimate it was created four billion years ago. But the mass itself lies hundreds of miles underground.

The Amazing Secrets of the Solar System

Scientists discovered metallic anomalies during studies of the lunar surface and gravitational field. Scientists are interested in discovering the origin of these puzzling underground clumps.

One theory suggests it could have come from an asteroid blasting a crater into the lunar surface.

7. The Mystery of Rust on the Moon

Iron begins to rust after a long time around oxygen and water. So you can imagine how surprised astronomers were when they found rust on the moon.

Using data from India’s Chandrayaan-1 mission, Hawaiian researcher Shuai Li showed clear signs of iron oxide or, as it is more commonly known, rust on the lunar surface.

It is the only known object in the solar system where liquid rain falls on solid surfaces. However, unlike Earth, precipitation on Titan is rare.

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