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The Governor of Florida Declares His Refusal to Comply with Trump’s Extradition Appeal

  • Who is Stormy Daniels, the porn actress linked to former President Donald Trump

Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, faced with former President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination in 2024, announced that the state will not honor an extradition request for the former president, who has been indicted by a New York grand jury. In a brief message on Twitter, DeSantis said that “weaponizing the legal system to advance the political agenda turns the rule of law upside down.” Trump’s address is in a mansion and private club by the name of Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach (eastern Florida).

The ex-president apparently located in Mar-a-Lago and he has already reacted to his accusation for the alleged payments he made to a porn actress in 2016 to buy his silence for a relationship they would have had. Despite his confrontation with Trump, who on Wednesday accused him of a lack of sophistication and recklessness in foreign policy, DeSantis echoed the former president’s claim that New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg is financed by tycoon George Soros who is a donor to the Democratic Party.

Trump, the first former president in US history to be indicted for serious crimes

Oh. H. Agencies

“Florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda,” the Republican governor said in his message.

DeSantis has not yet revealed whether he will run for the presidential nomination in 2024, but the attacks he is having with Trump and other signs suggest that he is already on the campaign trail. Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott, without mentioning Trump, noted in a tweet that “People can’t trust the legal process, the FBI, the DOJ (Department of Justice) or the IRS (Fiscal)”.

“First, our media was invaded by the left, then our government was gunned down by the democrats and now our legal system has been completely turned upside down by a Soros-funded district attorney who is targeting a political opponent while allowing violent criminals to run rampant in New York,” said Scott, the former governor of Florida.

  • Who is Stormy Daniels, the porn actress linked to former President Donald Trump

Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, faced with former President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination in 2024, announced that the state will not honor an extradition request for the former president, who has been indicted by a New York grand jury. In a brief message on Twitter, DeSantis said that “weaponizing the legal system to advance the political agenda turns the rule of law upside down.” Trump’s address is in a mansion and private club by the name of Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach (eastern Florida).

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