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The golden age of science

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through Vladimir Vodarevski.

We live in a dangerous time, where science is questioned. While governments around the world apply policies strictly guided by science, science is increasingly being questioned, driven by conspiratorial and anti-vax currents.

This is how, guided by scientific principles, governments in the Western world have effectively banned all treatment against the Chinese virus, to the chagrin of conspirators. Not that the proposed treatments are dangerous. Not that they are offered by gurus without solid medical knowledge. In fact, a dispute has pitted supporters and opponents of the treatments. On both sides, eminent specialists gave their opinion. It must be recognized that subsequently many non-scientists on television sets had their opinion on scientific studies, and were able to judge, scientifically, if they were correctly carried out, and knew how to analyze them, scientifically. There was debate, scientists were divided. We decided, scientifically, not to treat.

It was decided, scientifically, to favor one opinion over another. From then on, those who showed scientific doubt, who questioned this opinion, were vilified as conspirators, anti-science. It was therefore decided that questioning, doubting, arguing, were not scientific criteria. The governmental, administrative, or supra-national decree decided what was scientific. Most scientifically, of course.

It was therefore decided to bet everything on vaccination, in the decreed absence of any treatment, and any possibility of treatment. Of course, the fact that a coronavirus mutates, that any coronavirus mutates, which makes the effectiveness of a vaccine random, was not mentioned. Of course, we know how to make vaccines against the flu, the virus of which also mutates. But the effectiveness of these vaccines is uncertain, although we know the virus much better. Faced with a virus with more random and totally unknown mutations, it was logical, scientific therefore, to bet everything on vaccination.

Then, the effectiveness of the proposed vaccines was scientifically evaluated. The Chinese vaccine was eliminated. The Chinese can’t make good vaccines, that’s logical, even if all our medicines are made there, and one of the hypotheses on the appearance of the virus is that it was created in a Chinese laboratory. It’s logical, it’s scientific. The Russian vaccine was eliminated because Putin is the big bad guy, it’s scientific. So there remained Western vaccines. The Astra Zeneca vaccine was acclaimed by the European Union and the United Kingdom, while it did not receive authorization in the USA, which considered it to be ineffective. So we have a vaccine considered very effective on one side of the Atlantic, but not on the other. Truth beyond the Atlantic, error on this side. The US even agreed to consider as vaccinated Europeans who had received injections from Astra Zeneca and who wanted to enter US territory. It’s all scientific, it’s proven. Geopolitics and lobbying as a criterion for the effectiveness of a vaccine is scientific.

Some gossips have questioned the dangerousness of the products in question, and the relevance of mass vaccination with products using new technologies. After all, mass vaccination against rabies was never launched when the vaccine was invented. These sorrowful spirits were of course booed as antivax. It’s scientific. Even if, subsequently, of the four vaccines authorized in Europe, three are now prohibited for young people, including two reserved for those over 55. With disparities, scientific of course, depending on the country. But there is no danger, scientific reasoning, of course.

How effective are vaccines? We realized very quickly that they did not protect against contamination or infection. Pioneering countries in vaccination such as Israel and the United Kingdom experiencing outbreaks of patients. It was at this time that the President of the French Republic decreed the health pass, to force the lower classes to be vaccinated. Logically, scientifically. The journalist Yves Bourdillon recently had fun looking for studies proving the protective effect on the contamination of vaccines, before they are put on the market. He hardly found any. It is therefore scientifically, on a non-existent basis, that we have been told that vaccination protects against contamination.

Today, most officially in the world, if we look at dubbed, official, administratively and politically correct studies and publications, it is considered that vaccines do not protect against contamination or infection, that they protect against serious forms, but only for three months, requiring a booster shot, with an uncertain effect due to the variants, and an even more temporary effect. Arguments which justify, scientifically, to oblige to vaccination, to always carefully avoid treating. Knowing moreover, still officially, according to official science, according to politically endorsed studies, that the Chinese virus is not very lethal, and targets specific populations, we nevertheless decide, on a scientific basis therefore, to vaccinate everyone, even if vaccination does not prevent the spread, even those who are not at risk, and who will transmit the Chinese virus whether they are vaccinated or not. It’s logical, it’s scientific. We do not wonder about the fact that certain countries, such as South Korea, are experiencing their worst episode in terms of mortality from the Chinese virus, while the population is widely vaccinated. How logical it is to create a vaccine pass, when all the scientists tell us that the Omicron variant is almost harmless, and that it will vaccinate people. It’s logical, it’s scientific.

Obviously, it is out of the question to discuss the benefit-risk balance of vaccination. It’s anti-science. Like wondering about the relevance of vaccination in the midst of an epidemic, when, it seems, the adage says that you do not vaccinate during an epidemic. Indeed, vaccination would begin by weakening the body and making it more vulnerable. The fact that there would be a flare-up of infections after each dose does not matter, it would not be in the statistics, because you are considered unvaccinated until 14 days after an injection.

Let’s not talk about official statistics that show an increase in mortality among the youngest in 2021 in Western countries, it’s a coincidence. Or this statistic which shows an age-standardized death rate twice as high among vaccinated as among unvaccinated, in England, in the age group 10-59 years. You are told that the vaccinated are older, which explains that. Except that it is the age-standardized mortality rate in question, which precisely mitigates the age effect. And that at the beginning of the year 2021, when it is the oldest who are vaccinated, the mortality of the vaccinated is lower, and that this mortality of the vaccinated increases when vaccination extends within the population, in particular among the younger.

Questioning, practicing what used to be called scientific doubt, questioning data, simply basing oneself on data, seeking argument, all of this is today a characteristic of conspiracy theorists, antivax, anti- science. Science is what is decided at the level of government, administrations, statists or supra-statists, and anyone who expresses the slightest doubt is a follower of conspiracy theories. It is progress, the spirit of the Enlightenment carried in particular by the president of the Republic so progressive French.

It is official science, which recalls those republics so progressive and so popular, which wrote those most glorious hours of our history!

source : Hashtable


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