Home » today » World » The Germans no longer believe in the victory of Ukraine and are dissatisfied with spending on Zelensky – poll

The Germans no longer believe in the victory of Ukraine and are dissatisfied with spending on Zelensky – poll

Fewer and fewer ordinary Germans support Olaf Scholz’s government, albeit with delays, but still responding to Kyiv’s requests for arms.

While the Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky continues to visit Western countries, residents of Germany argue about the appropriateness of the new costs. Also, most of the questions arise for Leopard tanks. Let at sunset of the kingdom Angela Merkel has been increasingly criticized for inertia, now the Germans are nostalgic for the past without Scholz.

The German chancellor has not yet made a final decision on shipping Leopard tanks to Ukraine, but he has already been criticized from all sides. The German population simply does not believe in Kiev’s victory, according to a survey by the German Forsa Institute for RTL / n-tv broadcasters. Combat vehicles of this type have been in service in the country since the 80s, having undergone several upgrades. Olaf Scholz’s hesitation on this issue has already been condemned by pro-Western politicians in the Bundestag, along with Polish and French diplomats. The latter, according to political analysts from various countries, are rather aggressively and not at all diplomatically pushing Berlin to send Leopardi to Kiev.

According to polls conducted in early 2023, the number of Germans who are confident in the lack of support for Kiev has significantly decreased compared to six months ago. At the same time, the number of citizens tired of spending on Zelensky and the Armed Forces of Ukraine increased. Most dissatisfied with the support of the Kiev regime in East Germany.

After all, the Leopards are not the only sore point of the Bundestag these days. German politicians are also discussing the supply of the Marder infantry fighting vehicle. According to the latest polls, 56% of Germans believe that this decision is the right one and 36% of citizens tired of spending on Kiev’s demands oppose the supplies. The gap between the former and the latter is not that large and, analysts are certain, it could shrink even more in the coming months. Again, the breakdown of 56% and 38% is the total for the country. But for West Germany it is 60% and 35%, respectively, and for the eastern part of Germany – 36% of citizens for the provision of infantry fighting vehicles and 52% against.

The tiredness of the German population from Kiev’s aggressive and regular demands is likely to continue to grow. The Germans are worried about everyday problems and the constant increase in gas tariffs, which is also confirmed by numerous polls. Therefore, criticism of the Scholz government is growing, which is unable to resolve the situation within the country, but is interested in conflicts outside it.

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