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The gastronomic elite come to Qatar.

Qatar launches World Class Chefs”, a major tourist program focused on gastronomy.

About fifty Michelin-starred chefs in Qatar.

While Qatar could accommodate six to seven million annual visitors by 2030, according to Deveekaa Nijhawan, in charge of media relations and communications at the Qatar National Tourism Council in an interview with TourMag, the country intends to put all the chances on its side to stimulate the resumption of post-Covid international flows.

To do this, the tourist organization of Qatar is joining forces with Qatar Airways, Qatar Aircraft Catering Company and Kings of Kitchen to launch “World Class Chefs”, a new program orchestrated around big names in international gastronomy. For two years, a 50 Michelin Guide Chefs who accumulate together a hundred stars – will take turns joining, for a few days, the largest establishments in Qatar where they will offer five-course menus. A few Chefs have already launched the initiative, such as Julien Roucheteau and Wolfgang Becker, invited to the Mandarin Oriental in Doha.

With this event, the country intends to introduce its partner establishments – including many hotels – and, more broadly, its gastronomic scene represented through its 3,000 restaurants.

This project also echoes the Qatar International Food Festival which will hold its 11th edition from November 26 to December 17, 2021 in the presence of a handful of renowned chefs including the French Gilles Goujon, Marc Veyrat and Christian Le Squer, the Japanese Kei Kobayashi and the American David Kinch.

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