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The Future of the 1:35 p.m. Slot: A Focus on Well-Being with Marina Carrère d’Encausse?

What future for the 1:35 p.m. slot?

However, have no fear, where France 5 therefore has the ambition to emancipate itself by putting an end to one of its flagship programs – formerly embodied by Michel Cymes, the channel is not going to completely upset its schedule and the habits of the audience.

To date, nothing would be defined yet, but it would not be surprising to see a new program focused on well-being coming to the fore at the start of the 2024 school year. The twist? Marina Carrère d’Encausse – which would always be very appreciated within the group, could be there again, even if her role is still not very clear (host? producer?). In short, change is now, but not too much either.

2023-10-25 23:04:37
#Shock #years #broadcasting #oldest #shows #France

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