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The fear of the dentist has a cure

Does the mere thought of having to go to the dentist arouse your repulsion? Does the typical smell of a dental office remind you of painful experiences from the past? You may be among the 25% of people who suffer from what is called dentophobia or fear of the dentist.

Panic attacks, suffocation, chills, fainting often occur in people who have a phobia of the dentist only to hear the noises of the toothpick or to notice the smell of substances used for dental treatments. These are associated with an unpleasant past experience.

Initially, dentophobia can only manifest as dental anxiety and is overcome, but as negative experiences accumulate, a worsening of the phobia is reached, manifested by avoiding dental treatments of any kind, despite the pain. The good news is that in recent years, dentists have begun to use more and more anesthesia or lasers, which has made treatments less painful and diminished the sense of vulnerability of those in the dental chair.

Who is more exposed to dentophobia

The fear of the dentist can occur at any age. If left untreated, it can progress to the fear of injections, known as trypanophobia, or to the phobia of doctors in general, called iatrophobia. A vulnerable category to this type of phobia is represented by people who had unpleasant or even traumatic experiences at the dentist as children. Also, those who have had problems following a dental anesthesia, such as suffocation, are prone to dentophobia.

A good doctor banishes fear

You do not necessarily find a good dentist in times of crisis, when you have great pain. It would be best to ask for advice from acquaintances in advance when they face dental problems.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro how to get rid of dental anxiety!

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