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The famous Tour de France: Million bonuses from the organizers. And another package from sponsors

When Tadej Pogačar dominated the planet’s most famous cycling race for the second time in a row, the young Slovenian could play not only a position at the highest level of final accounting, but also a fat package, which he won with phenomenal performances.

At that time, the 22-year-old competitor of the UAE Emirates team credited 609,770 thousand euros, ie 15,244,250 crowns. The champion of the Tour de France receives a subsidy of 500 thousand euros. To this must be added 11 thousand for the victory in the stage, which Pogachar celebrated three times.

Photo: Twitter @mihigosadam

Tadej Pogačar from Slovenia in emotions.Photo: Twitter @mihigosadam

The total triumph in the competition for the king of climbers, which is guaranteed 25 thousand euros. Another bonus landed on Pogačar’s account for a triumph in the competition for a white jersey for the best competitor under 25, to whom the organizers guarantee 20 thousand euros. And if hundreds of euros are added, by which the organizers honoring the competitor for each day spent in a yellow, white, polka dot or green jersey, there will be a really fat reward.

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If the UAE Emirates did not have Pogachar, it would be like a poor relative, because in total, the team employing the now two-time Tour de France champion earned 620,380 euros. After deducting Slovenian’s earnings, however, he would have less than 11 thousand euros left!

At the same time, the weakest team of last year’s financial ranking of the Tour de France Qhubek NextHash took home 11,650 euros. But the UAE could simply rely on Pogachar. Jumbo took second place in terms of finances and overall ranking with 354,970 euros, followed by Bahrain Merida with an even more dramatic gap. In the final accounting, former employer Ondřej Cink earned 167,410 euros.

Cofidis home stable is standing in the Tour de France peloton.Video: Sport.cz

It should be noted that the fairytale package does not remain with the rider. The funds earned in the race are put into a joint account, which is then divided equally among all participants at the end of the Tour de France, while, of course, the mechanics, masseurs and accompanying staff are also remembered. It often happens that the team leaders still reward their gregarios with special gifts such as branded watches or holidays …

To be clear, however fabulous the rewards from the organizers may be, it is only a fraction of the funds that flow to individual teams or riders in terms of global performance. The team sponsors are well aware that with a gigantic audience lasting almost a month, their investment will pay off handsomely. And so, while Pogačar received two million euros a year before his first victory on the Tour, currently his contract is threefold …

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