Home » today » Technology » The Experts # 20 – Real Talk 2.0: Myths About Facebook, Instagram & WhatsApp – The Facebook Update

The Experts # 20 – Real Talk 2.0: Myths About Facebook, Instagram & WhatsApp – The Facebook Update

As at the end of November 2020 in the Facebook Marketing Expert Episode # 16 Facebook marketing expert Peer brings Thilda (Strategic Partner Manager at Instagram) and Carsta Maria (Strategy Partner Manager at Facebook) in front of the microphone to get to the bottom of myths on the Facebook platforms. We asked you in advance what the most common myths you know are.

This time it was about the following topics:

  • “Shadowbanning”: What is it about Instagram controls the visibility of posts and determines / limits how many people a post or an ad reaches?
  • Meaningful Social Interaction: Are comments really only “counted” that contain at least four words and an emoji? And does the type of reaction affect the visibility of a post?
  • Instagram doesn’t deliver real business results: Is Instagram really only suitable for stunts and promotions, but not for ongoing brand and sales campaigns?
  • If as a creator I use the If I use Branded Content Tag, does my reach automatically reduce?
  • are Sweepstakes on Facebook and Instagram Generally prohibited since December 20th, 2020?
  • WhatsApp data protection: Will all of my WhatsApp data be shared with Facebook with the new update?

You can also find more information on the topics under the following links:

Thilda on Instagram about Shadowban:

Our update on Meaningful Interactions from January 2018: https://www.facebook.com/business/news/news-feed-fyi-bringing-people-closer-together

On the myth that Instagram doesn’t deliver real business results: https://business.instagram.com/tag-in/instagram-marketing-strategy

Our guidelines on branded content: https://www.facebook.com/policies/brandedcontent

A law firm specializing in IT law that explains our competition guidelines well: https://www.it-recht-kanzlei.de/gewinnspiele-instagram-neue-richtlinien.html

Q&A on WhatsApp’s new privacy policy: https://faq.whatsapp.com/general/security-and-privacy/answering-your-questions-about-whatsapps-privacy-policy/

If you have any other myths that we should address or you generally have praise, criticism, suggestions or questions regarding the podcast, please write to us by email [email protected].

Under fb.me/facebookmarketing In addition to the podcasts, you will also find all the webinars. Sign up for our newsletter there. So you always stay up to date on all topics related to digital marketing on Facebook.

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