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The effect of art on our brain – Diario La Tribuna

I love the subject of art because it is my profession and it has been my passion for as long as I can remember; But there is another issue that has always fascinated me: the brain. It seems to me that there is so much to talk about, and so much to discover about the capacities and possibilities that are contained in this organ that we have in the middle of our ears; In addition, I am one of those people who think that investing time and effort in our health and mental development will pay off sooner rather than later.

So, when both topics come together, I take special care. I found a site on the Internet called: “The Mind is Wonderful” where they deal with exactly these kinds of topics that I like. I want to share with you part of an article that I found there under the title; “The effect of art on our brain” says the following:

When we are faced with an artistic production, our brain works to give shape and meaning to the information that comes to us. That is, we have an innate ability to organize shapes and patterns in ways that make sense.

That art has a profound impact on people is undeniable. It may simply attract us in a superficial way, but it also has a strong power as a stimulus to attract some memory from our memory to our focus of consciousness. Everyone’s reactions are different. They can take us to the past or to very remote places, but their ability to have an effect on us is unquestionable. We are going to talk about the effect of art on our brain.

Our brain is capable of recognizing the shapes of a painting, its lines and its shadows, immediately. Our brains try to recognize faces in almost everything we see.

This tendency is due to the fact that the brain is used to seeking familiarity with objects from patterns or shapes, even when the information is incomplete.

When we are faced with an artistic production, our brain works to give shape and meaning to the information that comes to us. That is, we have an innate ability to organize shapes and patterns in ways that make sense.

Regardless of this ability, we now also know that the effect of art on our brain is similar to that of looking at a loved one. Increases blood flow to the brain by up to 10%.


Both have consolidated as a growing trend. Group art classes at local studios and even bars allow you to socialize with friends while creating a beautiful piece of art. Even coloring books created for adults. These help you relax and take the stress out of a stressful day.
Art applied to therapy is a very effective projection tool. Developing artistic skills greatly improves attention, consciousness, and improves emotional control, self-awareness, and self-esteem.

In addition, it helps to solve problems that affected in the past and that are manifested in the present. This effect of art on our brain is used with people who suffer from post-traumatic stress resulting from war conflicts, sexual abuse or natural disasters. It has also been shown to be effective in individuals suffering from physical illnesses such as cancer, dementia or Alzheimer’s, as well as in numerous psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety.

The brain’s reaction to visual stimuli from a work of art is only the first part of a multi-step process. Understanding how to look at art allows you to make the most of the experience by keeping your brain active and engaged. Starting your own creative process is usually the next step.

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