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The driver who hit and killed an urban security guard was sentenced to life in prison

(PLO)- With a particularly dangerous crime, showing hooliganism and disregard for the lives of others, the driver who hit and killed an urban security guard was sentenced to life in prison.

On the afternoon of April 8, the Hanoi People’s Court sentenced defendant Trinh Ba Trong (39 years old, residing in Cam Khe district, Phu Tho) to life imprisonment for murder.

The driver hit and killed a security guard at trial. Photo: CTV

The jury assessed that the defendant’s criminal behavior was particularly dangerous, showing hooliganism, disregarding the lives of others, disregarding the law, infringing on the lives of people protected by law, causing loss of peace and order. Therefore, the jury sentenced defendant Trong to life imprisonment for murder.

In civil terms, the court forced defendant Trong to compensate the family of victim Vu Trung Dung (26 years old, from Gia Lam, Hanoi) 215 million VND. In addition, Trong also has to support Mr. Dung’s two children until they turn 18 years old.

Before that, state the point of impeachment against The driver hit and killed the guard urban area, the representative of the Procuracy requested the jury to sentence the defendant to life in prison. The Procuracy determined that the defendant’s behavior was particularly dangerous, directly violating the lives of citizens and disrupting social order and security.

Because they saw Trong’s car parked in a place where stopping or parking was prohibited, the urban area security team locked the wheels and asked Trong to go to the office to write a commitment not to violate parking in the wrong place, but Trong did not comply. .

Trong is a person who has been granted a driver’s license and has been carrying passengers since 2015. The defendant is a person who understands the Road Traffic Law.

When the defendant’s car was parked in an unauthorized place, the urban security team locked the wheels and asked the defendant to go to the office to write a commitment. However, the defendant still got in his car and drove away. When the security team chased after him, the defendant swerved and sped away while the car had a flat tire.

Representative of the Procuracy at the trial. Photo: TT

Even though he knew it could cause death, in order to run away, the defendant let the consequences happen and in fact the defendant crashed into Mr. Dung’s car (one of the security guards chasing Trong’s car), causing Mr. Dung fell on the road and died.

Furthermore, while driving the car, the defendant used alcohol. The defendant’s actions caused confusion and frustration among the public.

The defendant’s behavior is disregard for the lives of others and disregard for the law. The defendant is an adult young man, living in the Capital, with knowledge of the law. When committing a crime, the defendant had enough capacity to bear criminal responsibility, was aware of the social danger of the act but still committed the crime, proving that the defendant very much disregarded the law.

“Therefore, bringing the defendant to trial is necessary to ensure the strictness of the law. This is also a lesson and a wake-up call for those who have, are and intend to violate the lives of others” – the Procuracy representative emphasized.

According to the indictment, at about 12:30 on March 28, 2023, Trinh Ba Trong drove a taxi to the garage in the Vinhomes Oceans Park urban area to wash his car. After that, the defendant went to meet his friends for lunch and drank alcohol.

When he returned to pick up the car, the defendant’s car was parked incorrectly and the wheels were locked by Vinhomes security guards. The defense asked the defendant to go to the Office to write a commitment.

However, defendant Trong did not comply and drove away. At this time, a group of security guards drove a car to chase the defendant. During this process, the defendant steered the car to force the guards’ car, then stepped on the accelerator to accelerate the car and rush forward.

When about 1 meter away from the car of Mr. Vu Trung Dung, one of the security guards, defendant Trong still accelerated and crashed into the back of Mr. Dung’s car, causing the victim to be thrown into the back of a car parked on the edge of the road.

After causing the accident, the defendant did not stop the car but continued driving for a while and crashed into a “No parking” sign. At this time, the defendant stopped the car and was arrested by security forces and people.

Mr. Dung was seriously injured and was taken to the emergency room but could not survive due to a severe brain injury.

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