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The developers of the great Oddworld are bothered by the inclusion of the game in PS Plus

For most development teams, including their game in the PS Plus subscription offer is great news, for example, the authors could talk about it. Rocket League or Fall Guys. But these are multiplayer games that quickly managed to pack a loyal community, which then spread their fame across various platforms, thus providing operators with a fabulous income.

The delay in Soulstorm was mainly due to the coronavirus pandemic.

However, in the case of the Oddworld Inhabitants and their Soulstorm, the situation is dramatically different. The modeled sequel to the cult platformer faced many problems during development, so it was released on the PS5 several months later than it should have. So she missed the relatively empty period after the release of the fifth playstation, when she could become one of the few “next-gen” games that players could enjoy there. What’s worse, the developers didn’t realize that people with older PS4s would be able to add it to the library and play it when the (still scarce) new console arrived.

In the end, there were four million of them, which in an interview for the Youtub channel Xbox Expansion Pass said studio representative Lorne Lanning was devastating. On the other hand, it should be noted that he did not question the decision at the time. Without a deposit from Sony, Soulstorm might end up looking completely different, and it is pointless to compare the numbers that the game achieved when it was free with actual sales.

It is important to us that Soulstorm succeeded (see our reviews), and even though the developers have not earned as much as they probably imagined, they intend to continue.

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