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The Department of Disease Control reveals that 2 cases of XBB in Thailand are less symptomatic, the last one has recovered.

The Department of Disease Control reveals that 2 cases of XBB in Thailand are less symptomatic, the last one has recovered.

On October 17, Dr. Thares Krasanairawivong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) revealed that from the surveillance report of the virus strain Covid-19 in Thailand, there is now a covid- 19. A new mutant species of omikron. And reported in several countries last week, including the XBB strain, which now has two cases of infected people from abroad. The first case was a 49-year-old Thai woman with a history of returning from Singapore on 25 September 2022 and the next day she started having symptoms of cough, stuffy nose, no fever. Subsequently, on September 27, 2022, ATK was tested successfully, she then went to a doctor in the hospital and received the medicine to treat him at home until the expiration date. now healed

The Director General of the Department of Disease Control said the second case, a 60-year-old foreign woman, came from Hong Kong with a cough, no fever, the ATK test showed positive results on September 28, 2022, so she went to see a doctor in a private hospital. And they received the medicine to stay in a hotel room for 10 days, now both have recovered from the symptoms of Covid-19 and traveled abroad.

“Despite the COVID-19 situation In Thailand there is a continuous decline in the number of infections, serious illnesses and deaths: in the last week, 53 deaths, an average of 7 per day per day, are still in the group of 608 and more than half were not vaccinated. And from monitoring the situation in foreign countries where cases of mutant virus are increasing, therefore, people who have not been vaccinated or have been vaccinated for more than 4 months are invited to be vaccinated as soon as possible Although not all vaccines can protect against COVID-19, vaccines are clearly effective in reducing severe morbidity and mortality.
very well, ”said Dr. Thares.

On the side of Dr Sophon Iamsirithavorn Deputy Director General, Department of Disease Control added that Suvarnabhumi Airport Control Points for Communicable Disease and Regional International Airports has increased surveillance of travelers from Singapore and Hong Kong. In addition to countries that have reported outbreaks of the XBB strain, if travelers from such areas have respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, runny nose, upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi airport, they can notify the disease control officer transmissible to request a test for coronavirus -19 free

In this regard, passengers are advised to wear a textile mask or a hygienic mask during the journey and to take the ATK test kit with them for examination in case of symptoms abroad. as well as obtaining a booster vaccination before travel if vaccination is due The Ministry of Public Health has provided a variety of COVID-19 vaccines for all ages. Recently, the Pfizer vaccine came with a red cap. For children aged 6 months to 4 years, available from 12 October. The vaccine can be given together with other vaccines on the same day. We therefore urge caring parents to take their children to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in hospitals across the country. as prescribed by the Communicable Diseases Committee or Bangkok Metropolis For more information, contact the Department of Disease Control Hotline 1422.

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