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“The Dangers of Magic Detox Drinks: Unlicensed Promotion on Social Media Platforms”

Video clips of unidentified people spread on social media platforms promoting complex drinks and popular mixtures, which they described as magic to cleanse the body and liver of toxins. The “detox” contains mixtures of popular vegetable leaves and herbs that have no medical basis, and their recipes led to counterproductive results for some of their users.

Followers of social media platforms said that the pages that promote magic mixtures to cleanse the body of toxins through video clips have spread significantly in recent months, as mixtures are offered to different age groups and that some of them wear medical uniforms even though they are not doctors, in order to give an official color to their personalities and to increase their followers trust them.

While doctors warned of the danger of consuming these mixtures because they may cause failure in the functions of the liver and kidneys, stressing that medically there are no mixtures or medicines to cleanse the body of toxins except drinking water, adequate sleep, healthy food and exercise, and that any popular recipes or drinks are promoted through Social media platforms are an illusion and their goal is financial profit and endanger the lives and safety of their users.

In detail, Abeer Sidqi, Siham Abu Shamala, Khamis Al-Mashhour, and Fawzi Al-Saee said that they followed pages on social media platforms of people who claimed to be doctors in weight loss and nutrition, wear medical uniforms and provide medical advice on a daily basis through short video clips that do not exceed three minutes in length that contain information. Semi-medical about the dangers of toxins in the body and the importance of getting rid of them.

They added that they explained a way to get rid of toxins containing mixtures of herbs and green leaves, such as coriander, celery, lemon peel, frankincense, cinnamon and some aromatic herbs, and they mentioned that some herbs and green leaves are mixed through various recipes, including boiling them with hot water at night and leaving them until they cool down until they are done. Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning, or mix it together with a mixer and drink it before bed after filtering it from impurities.

They pointed out that all the recipes and mixtures that they mentioned caused them and those who took them digestive problems and stomach pain, and that some suffered from diarrhea and nausea, adding that the “detox” mixtures caused them adverse health results, for which they had to take an appointment with doctors for treatment.

Infectious disease and immunology specialist, Dr. Jihad Saadeh, warned against taking any herbal mixtures or medicines to cleanse the body of toxins, because the body is an integrated system and does not need drinks or meals with food.

It is soft for “detox”, and that it is sufficient for the body to take its daily need of water and sleep for sufficient hours on a daily basis to get rid of toxins, and that the spread of what is known as “detox” drinks or pills, are nothing but superstitions whose aim is commercial, and cause health damage because they may contain substances that are not Information of the source or some herbs that are not purified and thus negatively affect the functions of the liver and kidneys and may lead to their failure, God forbid.

He explained that there is no need for any drinks to cleanse the body of toxins, because drinking vegetables from mint, beetroot or parsley with water, because the benefit is in water, not in what is mixed with it, and that the goal of all that is being promoted is to reach the “trend”, financial profit and promotion. to their pages on social media.

For his part, Dr. Adel Sajwani, a family medicine consultant, said that the spread of some “detox” mixtures through social media to cleanse the liver and body of toxins is unlicensed and aims to laugh at people’s minds and make financial profit, because the liver is the second most important organ in the body and is responsible for cleansing. The body is free of toxins and does not need a method of purification. The healthy way to cleanse the body of toxins is exercise and healthy meals.

He explained that international studies have proven that healthy meals help the body get rid of toxins, and that unlicensed mixtures and herbs are the main cause of cases of liver poisoning. Signs of liver poisoning include jaundice, nausea, and fatigue, and that whoever publishes this misleading information aims to push followers to pay financial contributions to his account for financial profit without caring about their health, and that medical information must be taken from specialists only.

For his part, a community medicine specialist, official spokesman for the Emirates Public Health Association, Dr. Saif Darwish, said that there is no substance that cleanses the body, that taking any drinks to improve liver or kidney function does not benefit anything, and that drinking celery, mint and parsley to help clean The body is not accurate, but it is beneficial to the body in the long run. He explained that the claims of benefits from mixtures spread on social media are inaccurate, as they can harm their users, especially since most of these mixtures contain chemicals and their promoters laugh at patients by adding some valleys with mixtures that reduce liver enzymes and the concentrations in them are incorrect. This leads to side effects that may lead to liver and kidney failure.

Followers: A noticeable spread of unknown and unlicensed pages promoting complex drinks and popular mixtures, which they described as magic to cleanse the body and liver of toxins.

Imprisonment and a fine of up to 500,000 dirhams is the penalty for promoting goods that contain incorrect data

The State Public Prosecution stated that the penalty for misleading advertising or promotion to the consumer in accordance with Article 48 of Federal Decree-Law No. 34 of 2021 regarding combating rumors and cybercrimes stipulates that it is punishable by imprisonment and a fine of not less than 20,000 dirhams and not more than 500,000 dirhams, or With one of these two penalties, whoever commits, through the information network, an information technology means, or a website, one of the following acts: promoting a good or service through a misleading advertisement or a method that includes incorrect data, and advertising, promotion, mediation, dealing in any way, or encouragement To deal in a virtual currency, digital currency, stored value unit, or any payment unit that is not officially recognized in the country, or without obtaining a license from the competent authority.

2023-05-07 22:05:41

#Doctors #mixtures #cleanse #body #toxins. #delusional #aim #profit

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